I am so grateful to my mother who insisted we read, learn vocabulary and strive to speak in an intelligent manner. I am also grateful, most of the time, for the English language. I say most of the time because I can get frustrated with the lack of descriptors for what I am feeling but that may be more an energetic issue than the language. Perhaps we don't have the words available in any language for the depth of emotions, both in the high sense and the sad sense. That is something to look forward too I suppose. Perhaps we will create a thesaurus of words to build on happy, exuberant, or ecstatic! I am hopeful because I don't know about you, but I am a bit done with epic!
Our language is a great deal of fun though if you think of all the words that can mean something else if the context is changed. For instance, if I said are you content? You would know I was talking about a feeling. If I said, what is the content of that box? You would know I was referring to what is inside the box. Two different contexts, one adjective and one noun, but they both mean what is inside, don't they? What if I combined them and asked you if you were content with your content? It is a bit redundant but it is fun. I know all the teachers out there are going to ask me to reference that thesaurus and find another word, but for the moment, play along with me.
We all have content, whether that is our physical self with arms and legs and a head or whether that is our emotional self and the availability of feelings, we have content. Some of the content has been deposited by others early in our lives and some we have purchased for ourselves. It is good to have content, it makes us interesting and it creates a desire for others to get to know us too. But are you content with your content?
What if you did an inventory? Would you find that you really did like all that was in that box? Do you feel in alignment with yourself or do you feel discontent? (See what I did there? Yet another use of the word. So FUN!)
- Do you like you?
- Do you feel happy most of the time?
- Do you laugh on a daily basis?
- Is your heart open to love?
- Do you have an interest or hobby that adds to the content of your life?
- Do you play well with others?
These are just some of the questions you could ask yourself to get started on that inventory. Everyone has value and the more we see our own value the more we will contribute to the whole. So if one is content with their content, they will still want to grow and strive for more, but they will do it in a flowing way.
If you aren't content, that is fine, recognizing it is where you can start. Don't judge it and don't whine, please don't whine. Observe that you could be happier and open your eyes and hearts to ways to create that. Pretend you are making a shopping list. Create a list that helps you to see in the physical what could change and then pick one item and decide to specialize in that for this week. Be easy with yourself about this and hey, if you are willing to take those silly tests on social media to figure out what you were in a past life, you can do this. It is a way to truly connect with who you are TODAY!
Satisfied with my content....for today, :)
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