Are you attributing the feeling of stress lately to the holiday schedule and the perception of obligations for this time of year? While this may be a contributing factor, there is a lot going on in the energy of the universe that is assisting in the perhaps less then tolerant feelings you are having lately.
Now, we are all responsible for what we do with the feelings we have and how we conduct ourselves through behavior, but when you know there is something kicked up energetically, you can be a bit more conscious about your choices and respond rather than react.
There is always an increase in the speed of energy at the end of a calendar year. It really has nothing to do with the calendar and the numbers that we follow, but more to do with the reaction we have to that. Every being in this universe contributes to the vibration of our world. That includes you. So if you think you being in a mood, depressed or generally cranky is only affecting you, think again. Everything that we do and thought we have goes out into the collective and creates a ripple effect. I am not saying this to have you be in constant observation of your thoughts, but rather to have you connect to self and realize you matter; a great deal.
All emotions are valid, what you do with those emotions are up to you. Feel, please feel, as I know that will help us to be nicer to ourselves and others, however, at the same time, be willing to choose how you want your energy to go out and be a contribution. It's fine to be frustrated and even valid to be angry or sad, but how long you are willing to be in those feelings is up to you. Feel them, then move on and up in vibration so we can help all of us to really connect with what this season is about; love.
Yes, another year is closing and for some reason we feel we have to fill up every space with something to do or buy in order to avoid the feeling of time passing. I am suggesting we slow down and that will in fact slow the energy down and have this time of year be one of celebration of what we have learned thus far and give us a calm space to contemplate what we would like to create in the next year. It is like driving a car at 65 miles an hour and expecting to be able to handle a hairpin turn without any consequences. Chances are if you drive like that and try to round the corner, you are going off the cliff. Slow down and take it with skill and appreciation of the built in message of care and being present will get you to the next place in one piece and aware of the journey.
The energy right now is one of pushing, there is no doubt, but it is pushing us to appreciate where we are in the moment and not to rush so far ahead that we can't even remember what the heck we had for breakfast. You did eat breakfast didn't you?
When we feel pushed we may want to push against another. We may want to call names or talk louder to be heard. Please know that the others aren't pushing you or pushing against you. Your soul is placing a guiding hand at your back encouraging you to recognize that anything another person does is not a direct reflection of you; what you do is though, so stop and consider how you can use this energy to your benefit. Do you really want to be a better person or are you just saying that because you think you should? Would you want to be an example of compassion and acceptance or does that seem too hard so you will continue to complain and blame others for the way you feel?
Yes, it feels like someone is squishing us when we are growing but if you give the acknowledgment and ask what can I do to expand and take responsibility, it eases and you can go ahhhhhhhhhhhh.
Now, having said all of this, you may want to have a way to release the squished feeling and a way to release energy in your tool kit, as not everyone is going to take that leap and ease into the next year because they have gotten used to drama and the feeling of being rushed. That is ok, everyone in their own time. Be the example yourself and when others ask why you are so calm during all of this, you can say, I have learned that I don't want to feel torn up and I can fight energy or I can go with it. I choose to go with it and enjoy my life here!
Having the ideas at the ready will give you a place to go when you want to explode. During the next few weeks the best course of action is going to be to move that body! Think of yourself as that caterpillar leaving the chrysalis to become the butterfly. You've got to move and groove to be able to leave it with your wings ready to fly!
Releasing pent up energy is not only great for kids, we adults are still wired in the same way we were as kids, so get out there and boogie! Let's dance through the next week of this energy and be able to say, man, I really loved the way we spent the holidays this year!
See you on the dance floor,
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