2014 is almost complete! Seriously, it is almost finite, closed, put away, in the archives never to be seen again after 11:59 pm. Chances are good I won't see that time as unless my nose is stuck in a book, I rarely make it past eleven so let me just say a few things.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you for being in my life and for helping me to spread the work of this wonderful universe. Thank you for laughing along with me, and hey, if you are laughing at me, that's good too because at least you are laughing! If there is one thing I will do while in this human body is, I will inspire those to not take life so seriously. Have reverence for this life but lighten up people.
Thank you for trusting yourself, your path, your life, your loved ones and bringing those who have croaked in my office, on the phone, Skype, social media or the occasional conversation in the grocery store!
Thank you for the feedback of this blog and how you enjoy my view of this sometimes zany, often challenging and amazingly interesting life we share.
Thank you for being you. Thank you for contributing your unique energy to this last year and the ones before that. Thank you for stretching and growing even if you didn't particularly feel like you wanted to. Thank you for trusting me to help when you couldn't see where to go next or needed that blend of comfort and no b.s. I've been told I possess.
Thank you for teaching me how to be a better person. Some of you may never know it was your judgment and not so kind words that helped me be kinder. It gave me a reference point of who I do not want to be and inspired me to dig deep past the confusion, to look beyond your insecurities and embrace true compassion. For this, I thank you. You may never know because it was this behavior that helped me bid you goodbye as we will bid this year goodbye soon. I am truly grateful.
I have a very full heart and soul and am very excited to see the next year come but before I do, I will review and revere this 2014 masterpiece. I will open my arms up to change while appreciating myself for being willing to be here. I hope you will do the same. I hope you will look at this year and count all the amazing growth you have had. I hope you will be nice to you if you feel you could have done more. Of course you could, and you get another chance to. How cool is that?
Before you toss the year in the recycling bin, give it one more look and give thanks that you even experienced it. Open up to the love that is around you, be willing to receive that love and then offer it out again. That is a recycling plan we can all get behind don't you feel?
So, as we wind up this year, I wish you all the best your life has to offer and more. I wish you the feeling of contentedness of self with a dash of curiosity to keep you wondering....what will this year bring?
See you next year,
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