For some reason, this year's solstice seems to be greatly needed by many whether they realize it or not. For those of us experiencing the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year, it signifies a shift to longer days and the offer of more light. Now, we go through this EVERY YEAR so why is this one the most challenging? My feeling is it is because we are entering the energy of 2015, the year of fruition. The culmination of whatever you have put into place in the last few years so energetically, we are perceiving this coming and perhaps getting antsy. More on this in a later post but it is a really good thing. YAY!
The solstice, as experienced in the Northern Hemisphere, is happening December 21st at 6:03 EST. Often, it is celebrated with ritual as it is the return to light and the giver of life. Little by little, the days will get longer leading up to the Summer Solstice.
I believe the days leading up to the shift can be best served by taking a little inventory of self and what could perhaps use a little light. There is a tendency to want to rush right through the darker days and not appreciate what they have to offer. Dark is not bad, it is where brilliance may actually lie if you would listen and realize you won't get stuck there if your intention is to bring light to whatever you find. It also offers the balance of yin to the lights yang. Personally, I can not sleep in a room where there is light, so to the dark I say thank you. Thank you for the sleep that is necessary to reboot my system!
We are very fortunate to live in a region where we have seasons. I believe we could honor all of them and in doing so, find a balance in our joy factor of life!
If you want to enter into this transition into 2015 with a clear energy, I would suggest you consider smudging your home, car and work space if possible. Smudging is the practice of using sage to clear a space. There are many beliefs about how best to do this. I tend to go to the less is more place. One, acquire some sage from a metaphysical, health or online store. Light the bundle and ask for your team to help you clear the space. I then ask for anything that is not of the light, to go to the light. This can be any energy left from arguments that happened, illness or generally cranky energy. Be sure to open a door, window and use exhaust fans if you have them. You want the energy to travel out of the house. To not ventilate will cause the energy to stir up and add to whatever was going on when you first started to clear. After you finish going around your entire space, be sure the sage is out and enjoy your cleansed space.
I believe the days leading up to the shift can be best served by taking a little inventory of self and what could perhaps use a little light. There is a tendency to want to rush right through the darker days and not appreciate what they have to offer. Dark is not bad, it is where brilliance may actually lie if you would listen and realize you won't get stuck there if your intention is to bring light to whatever you find. It also offers the balance of yin to the lights yang. Personally, I can not sleep in a room where there is light, so to the dark I say thank you. Thank you for the sleep that is necessary to reboot my system!
We are very fortunate to live in a region where we have seasons. I believe we could honor all of them and in doing so, find a balance in our joy factor of life!
If you want to enter into this transition into 2015 with a clear energy, I would suggest you consider smudging your home, car and work space if possible. Smudging is the practice of using sage to clear a space. There are many beliefs about how best to do this. I tend to go to the less is more place. One, acquire some sage from a metaphysical, health or online store. Light the bundle and ask for your team to help you clear the space. I then ask for anything that is not of the light, to go to the light. This can be any energy left from arguments that happened, illness or generally cranky energy. Be sure to open a door, window and use exhaust fans if you have them. You want the energy to travel out of the house. To not ventilate will cause the energy to stir up and add to whatever was going on when you first started to clear. After you finish going around your entire space, be sure the sage is out and enjoy your cleansed space.
Another great thing to do on any solstice or full moon is to create a list of what you would like to release. They can be emotional, physical or spiritual. Anything that comes to you about what could be ready to go. Write it down, wrap it with red string (This is not a big deal if you use another color. Intention is much more important than supplies.) then burn it and send the energy out into the universe to be released. If possible, please do this safely and outside. If this is not possible due to restrictions or laws, you can burn inside but afterwards, remove the ashes from the home immediately after they cool. If you really can't burn, a shredder works well too just be sure to remove the shreds immediately as well.
Give yourself the gift of appreciating the long night and the allow yourself time to spend in silence. Tap into what is in your head and heart. Connect to the heart and know this is your true GPS system that offers balance much like the solstices do. Trust that the brilliance of the earth is within you too. A balance of light and dark, noise and silence, physical and non-physical. A beautiful compilation of winter and summer meant to be eased into with fall and spring. Be easy with yourself as we travel into a new year. Take that inventory and be sure to appreciate the good moments too.
Give yourself the gift of appreciating the long night and the allow yourself time to spend in silence. Tap into what is in your head and heart. Connect to the heart and know this is your true GPS system that offers balance much like the solstices do. Trust that the brilliance of the earth is within you too. A balance of light and dark, noise and silence, physical and non-physical. A beautiful compilation of winter and summer meant to be eased into with fall and spring. Be easy with yourself as we travel into a new year. Take that inventory and be sure to appreciate the good moments too.
Leaving the headlamp off and wrapping myself in the blankey of darkness,
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