This week was get those corporate taxes in people, week. I am so grateful to my accountant (the amazing Barry Clairmont) for the sense of ease I have around my yearly taxes. For some this can be a really stressful time but if you surround yourself with the best, it takes the pressure off. I don't have to know all the ins and outs, I simply have to do my part and make sure I am documenting my income and expenses and pay my taxes like the responsible business owner I am.
As I was walking back from my appointment yesterday I thought, wow, I am really proud of myself. I managed to create a year of profit in my business (still not sure why it isn't in my savings account but that is a class for another day I guess.), pull a paycheck (woo hoo), become certified in a wonderful technique, while continuing to pay off the store and finding some sort of balance within myself physically and emotionally. Dude! That's a lot!
I am patting myself on the back. I am doing that because I don't think we do it enough. Oh, we will brag about what we have acquired and what new technology we are using but not about what we've learned about ourselves. Why is that? Fear? Vulnerability? Not sure what you would speak about? How about the shear resiliency we have as beings? When I look back at the last few decades of my life I think, how the hell did I make it through that without losing my marbles? I don't ask that in a woe is me way, I ask it in a wow, that's amazing way. It is also a way to support myself as I move through the inevitable changes that will happen this year.
One thing is for certain for all of us, change will happen. How you respond to that change determines if you enjoy the process or if you get all twisted up in it. One of my favorite sayings is change is inevitable, struggle is an option. I opt not to struggle. Sometimes this may look like I am not engaging or that I am allowing others to have their way but who cares? Ultimately how great my life is is determined by how I feel while in the life and am I really going to benefit by getting upset about how someone else is acting or living their life?
How resilient are you? Do you bounce back wash after wash? Do you move forward with each challenge or do you sit in your issues and allow them to absorb into your tissues? Being resilient isn't about looking for drama or challenges. It is about realizing you can depend on you and in many ways, you rock!
What have you done lately that you can use as an anchor to affirm to yourself that you do rock? All actions that are supportive count. Be willing to pat yourself on the back. Most of us are not going to get a head so big it won't fit through the door. A little belief in self goes a long way. If you have a hard time with this, call me, I will help.
So, as you see the shoots of grass coming up this year or the flowers pushing through the winters edge to bring spring around or the summer turning to winter if you are in another hemisphere than I, acknowledge that resilience too. It is a reminder of what you have inside too.
Springing forward into this life of mine,
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