When you wish upon a star...

...you may want to be willing to act on what you are wishing for. I have been hearing this song all morning. The original lyrics were included but my head asked what is our part in this whole star relationship? Are we merely the wishers or is there a part we are to play in the interaction?

It seems pretty evident that we have to play a part in making our dreams come true otherwise we would be walking around in a universe of instant manifestation and confusion. Thank heavens that doesn't happen. I don't know about you but I know I have wished for something in the spur of a moment and later thought, oh my goodness girl, you do NOT want that. Think about something you wanted to have and if it were to have shown up instantly, how it would impact who you are today.

I am grateful to have the relationship with my clients that allows me to see their life experience over years. Because people are so diverse I get to experience the manifestation on so many levels of their lives. Some are asking the same questions years later while others are in amazing places they could not have imagined years before. The difference seems to be what happens after the wishing space. We all wish, we all want and while we do move at various paces, movement is the key.

Are you wishing on that star but expecting the cricket to do the magic wand action to create what it is you are desiring while you sit in expectation? Sure, the benefit of being a human is the dream aspect but if you aren't willing to do the movement after the wishing you can expect to be asking for very similar things in years to come. If that is fine with you, then awesome, go you!  However, it is within the human condition and soul to always want more. Somewhere we got confused and read this as only materialistic items and while they are great, we must include spiritual, emotional and physical selves in there too. Wanting more, dreaming and wishing are fantastic! How can you join in the fun though so you aren't expecting someone to drop it down in front of you already wrapped?

We've all wished someone would change and be what we want them to be. We've all thought if they just do that, I will be happy and have it all. When in fact this is not true. The wish is great, go for it, but there will still be an emptiness if you don't realize that the one that has the power is self.

So, if you were to wish on a star right now, what would you wish for? Hold that feeling of the wish for a moment. Let it be there. Feel the excitement of it. Now, what action can you take to help that wish come into fruition? Think small. Small movements add up to big results with consistency. What could you do in this moment to move that idea from wish to tangible?

For years I wished I was active and fit but until I moved my arse that wasn't going to happen. It didn't happen overnight. It is still in action everyday when I make a commitment to move said arse a bit more. Little steps add up.

It is empowering to know you have a choice in how you would like your life to be. Wish big and be willing to follow through. It's ok to be nervous and excited. If one wasn't when change was happening I would be concerned. When we decide to add action, it turns down that nervousness.

Basically, we all have a choice. We can sit around and wish things to be fantastic and full of glitter or we can lament about how they aren't that and continue to manifest challenge. Which are you going to choose?

By the time you read this I will have taken my first spin class. Nervous? You bet. Concerned for my arse?  Yup.  Doing it anyway? Of course. Life isn't about wishing on a star, it's about reaching for them.

Stretching as far as my soul will take me,


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