Labels are BS, especially for me.

Labels do serve their purpose. It's great to know what is in my food, how to wash my sweater or what bathroom to use but for people they can be a sticky issue. (pun intended)

One as benign as being labeled a sensitive person can be challenging. I see it is a compliment but I didn't always. I took it personally because I felt so deeply and had a mouth to go with those feelings and not always a developed delivery system! I've seen people use it as an excuse. It is not, in my book by the way, an excuse.  It may be how you are wired and that is fantastic, but to use it as a reason to bail on life is not ok.  Learn how to be accepting of that sensitivity and use it to increase your happiness quotient.

There are so many labels placed by those who raise us, teach us or advertise to us. Why would you self label on top of that? Once you become conscious of how you are talking to yourself and what you are calling you, the desire to label goes out the window and you become you. Wonderful in all your glory. How freeing would that be?

Having said that, it is often necessary to label services. How would we know where to get our oil changed, what food a restaurant serves or what Dr offers Chiropractic services (shout out to Dr. Belanger who always re-aligns me!)?

I have been challenging myself to come up with a concise descriptor of what I do as "helping people to achieve a state of happiness and understanding of their path while being able to create the life they would love to be living through my intuitive, coaching and trained abilities" is really challenging to put on a business card. The ironic part being if you came to me, I could nail this down in minutes and have you on your way with a plan that is in alignment with you and applicable. Oh, the humor of the human experience.

So, I asked myself what it is that I love so much about my work and I came up with "I LOVE helping people believe in themselves and life again." I can see your full light and abilities but if you can't, me seeing them doesn't amount to much more than labels themselves, right? I can tell you how creative you are, how smart, loving, funny, amazing, intuitive, blessed, analytical, or healthy among others, but they would be my labels I was giving you to stick on you. Especially if you were unable to recognize them for yourself.

Now, this may work for a bit. Have you ever shown up or put in more effort because someone believed in you? Of course you have, we all have. It is short lived though because it is borrowed, it is not inside. When those feelings and knowings are inside, everything is possible. I've known this for years but had a challenge putting my finger on how to describe it. For months I have heard two words and ignored them. What? I'm in process too.

Two weeks ago though, I decided I had to run with the label I was hearing so here goes; Belief Specialist. This is what I do. I help people to believe in themselves, the universe and others. I'm really good at it too because I love it and I've put the time into learning how to help on both the energetic and literal levels. I blend the intuitive with the practical knowledge to create forward movement and most of all, belief in the life process. This label I am good with.

How does this change the work I have been doing? Well, it doesn't in the overall picture. I will continue to do sessions using whatever benefits the client while assisting them in seeing they have power too. When I show up as my whole self, I can help others to do so as well. How fun is that?

The other benefit of this label are the initials. Belief Specialist.... BS. Come on, that's funny! I am the BS that doesn't bs. Honesty and transparency have always been important to me so I have somewhat cultivated a reputation of no bs. I love that too because fake is exhausting and I don't feel I am serving anyone by sugarcoating or giving them what they want to hear. I know for me when someone is willing to tell me like it is (thank you to the friends who do this with me!), I grow.

So, if your labels are bugging you and your belief systems (another bs, although some can be very supportive ) are challenging you, know there are methods to relieve the pressure and create an amazing life.

I thank you for being with me on this journey of clarity and for providing me the opportunity to help you learn that you have beliefs, that some are not supportive and can be released and that you can create those that are and rock this lifetime!

What if you believed in you. Imagine what could happen?

Imagining my life helping you,


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