Me and my shadow...

Did you sing it? Just me and my shadow, strolling along the avenue. It's a great tune from 1927 that speaks to the loneliness we can all feel at some point in our lives. Mom was a huge Perry Como fan so we heard this song a lot. I always thought it was an uplifting song because he had his shadow with him.

Today I was riding my bike and the sun peaked out enough to create my shadow ahead of me and I started humming the tune to myself. I was very happy to be out there with my shadow strolling along the Ashuwillticook Trail. (For those who aren't local, have fun saying it!)

It turns out in the song, the lyrics were speaking to one's loneliness as he only had his shadow for company.  We all have that shadow side. It is the aspect of ourselves that can carry the sadness but it is also the wonderful doorway to who we really are. Debbie Ford did some amazing work helping people to accept the shadow side of themselves. I love her work and it's as relevant today as the day she wrote it.

I often ask people to embrace the parts of themselves they don't want to see as helpful. Be nice to that voice that is whispering or yelling, to be heard. Be willing to listen to what your heart, soul, mind and energy needs.

Once you start listening, you can deconstruct the crap that got in there over the years and shed some light on that shadow part. Shine some divine energy it's way to free up some room for the excellence that is you. Isn't that what we all want? To shine and embrace all aspects of ourselves. To relax about what makes us, us and bring ease to this human experience?

I promise you, for most of us, the shadow isn't as scary as it seems. It does, however, hold unlimited dreams and hopes and desires and it deserves to be explored. If you need help exploring it, I am here. I will bring the headlamps, flashlights and fireflies to light the way.

Off to make shadow puppets,


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