
I read somewhere this week that admitting something is hard actually helps one to move forward. There is a reaction in the brain that apparently acknowledges it and then goes into acceptance mode. Brainwaves 101.

I'll admit I have a challenging time with that process but I believe it. Call it being raised by tough New Englanders or call it my own personal wiring, whatever it is, I am calling uncle this week.  I'm admitting that at times I am so overwhelmed with the energy and my wiring that I want to move to a deserted island and have a volleyball as my best friend. The only thing that keeps me from doing this is the amazing people I have met while being here. Well, that and I don't hunt or cook so the volleyball would outlive me and then be lonely, but I digress. 

So, in the interest of being healthy emotionally and well rounded individuals, I am suggesting we all give ourselves permission to admit when something hurts. A loved one passing, a relationship ending, a failed test, diagnosis or bumping your toe. They hurt. Admit it so the brain can do what it is wired to do and help you move forward. 

Since your brain is willing to do its job, perhaps you can help it. When allowing yourself to feel the pain, be mindful of the time. Be aware when you are choosing to sit in the sadness and are creating an identity as a sad person. Emotions pass through. That is their gift. We are not our emotions. We have them, we are not them. If you can keep this is mind, you can move through whatever is going on and be on to feeling more content.

I practice what I suggest, and assist with Belief Re-patterning, so I know it is possible. I have spent a large portion of the last seven days being aware I have pain yet I am not the pain. I have my humor still. I have an amazing gratitude for life and I have the data to show I have hurt before and came through with amazing growth. I may not be thrilled with the process, but life has shown me that beautiful flowers grow out of fertilizer. Cultivating that trust in the process is the way to handle tough situations with grace. 

Be kind to yourself, be honest and be willing to find your amazement too. I know your brain is wonderful and wants to help you embrace this life process along with your heart and total being. 

Shimmying my way through,


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