I was chatting with someone earlier in the week who is a wonderful helper to a lot of people, as are a lot of you. We were discussing how helping everyone else has left little room for herself in your own life. We weren't lamenting about it, identifying and bringing words to it, but not lamenting. I asked her if she was able to be the assistance in someones life but not the reliance. She gave me a look I am getting really used to. It is a cross between I know there is something there and I think Vicki is speaking Swahili.

After a pause I used an analogy, I LOVE analogies. I drew the comparison of her service to the social assistance system our state has. If someone is in a tough spot and could use help, it is a wonderful thing. It can help them get back on their feet, boost self-esteem and in many cases, provide the fuel to keep going. It is not intended to be something to live on and rely on as support for all of their days. Although some may choose this, they are short changing themselves by not believing they are capable of self support. I went on to say, if you sprain your ankle, you don't necessarily need a wheelchair when a set of crutches will do. Allow the crutches to assist, do not rely on a wheelchair to carry you.

My point in all of this was to help her see that if she was the system people rely on to survive, no one will thrive. She will be exhausted and the other person or persons won't feel their own greatness. Transfer of power serves no one.

Ask yourself if you are the provider of the emotional wheelchair or the rider? Where in your life are you allowing others to ride on the benefit of your energy and momentum. It isn't an easy thing to look at but boy, when you do, there is a lot of relief that can be had just by acknowledging it. Especially if you are the one that is taking the ride. The small steps to ambulating, when one is perfectly capable, are empowering and well worth the effort.

Examples of being the emotional wheelchair:
  • Everybody's needs come first, even if they are capable of taking care of self. (Be honest with this one. Anyone over the age of ten can make a sandwich for themselves, the abilities just get stronger from there.)
  • You financially support someone who is capable of doing the same for themselves. I am not talking family choice here, I am talking about the person who is capable and available to bring in the cash and chooses, for whatever reason, not to. 
  • Excusing behavior that is less than supportive. Making excuses and allowing. 
  • Not believing you are worth the care everyone in your life is receiving from you. (come see me, I will help you with this one. :))
Examples of being the rider:
  • Allowing someone else to carry you. Seems pretty easy as the first one. Leaning is one thing, once in a while, but carrying is not good for any relationship. 
  • Believing someone else "is the reason you live." No person can be this for another. It is just not possible. Short of prior to cutting the umbilical cord, you are the reason you live, then you can connect to others. Hold your own energy and be proud of self sufficiency. 
  • Using excuses like, I can't find a job, I don't have skills, I live where there is no opportunity. I recently read about a man who took in a child who had no family even though he could barely support himself. He tried to make more money collecting recycled material but that was too costly so he taught himself to make bricks to sell to contractors. He now supports FOUR children who aren't even his so they can go to school. Anything is possible. 
  • Like above, not believing you are worth receiving. We all are but there is accountability and desire that must be plugged into in order to receive. 

Changing either of these positions can be challenging but how great would it be to feel that I can do it feeling if you are the rider. Equally great is seeing someone say, I DID IT! when you learned to say no and trust that they could really do it. It is a gift you can give them because eventually all wheelchair tires go flat and need to be replaced. If the rider hasn't learned to walk, there may be an abrupt end to the ride, i.e. divorce, croaking, throwing hands up. Prevent whiplash, be self carrying and then play well with others. Heck, maybe after everyone gets up on their own feet, dancing may happen! 

The above examples are just a few I have either lived through or seen in my business. There are as many as there are people. Give yourself the gift of assessing where you are and if you want to, how you would change it. 

See you on the dance floor, 

This is one of those questions that can drive one kookabonkers. Is time an illusion? Some would say so. That we only measure time because man created it as a way of measuring. Others would say that it exists because Mother Nature shows us that in cycles. Still others say it doesn't and we are living simultaneous lives. The last one would explain why we are always so tired. One lifetime at a time is enough, don't you think?

I experienced  my own question of time this weekend. We had an engagement party for our daughter and her fiancé. Our adult daughter! I am one of those parents that celebrated their children getting older.  I've never really felt sad at the idea they were aging. Isn't that natural? The process? The expected? While I still feel this, it was surreal to be part of the festivities and celebration of her future marriage. One of the reasons being I feel like life has just begun for me so to be riding parallel to her experience of new, it was a bit confusing and amazing!

Sure, I remember the funny child she was, but she's that funny adult.  I remember that she never wanted to wake up for daycare or school but she currently works the three to eleven shift, so has anything changed there? Nope. See why it's confusing? The element of time tells me that almost twenty two years have passed, but have they really? 

It feels like a blink of an eye yet I don't want to go back. I want to keep looking forward and celebrate all that life has to offer. I hold such wonder for what is ahead that I am like a kid waiting for holidays to start. This is why it feels like life is just starting. This feeling is new and I want to stretch it as far as I can! 

We had a few other new things happen on the same day. Our grandson, who was one day shy of five, decided he could do his first overnight ever! In my exhaustion from the party, and his adorable reasoning, I couldn't say no. He did well. Midnight sleep time, up at seven. Nana thought time didn't exist that night! But, seriously, how do you say no to these faces? 

Our dog also did his first overnight at doggie daycare. I suspect he slept more than the almost five year old.

Countless kids will begin school this week. Instead of lamenting where did the time go, show them how exciting it is to live life.  Look through that windshield and leave the rear view one for backing up your vehicle. 

While it still boggles my mind that I have three grown children, four grandchildren and a mortgage, I intend to embrace my timeless self and see how much more alive I can feel each year.  

We all have life force energy. The energy that powers the universe. Life force energy IS timeless. When we croak, we return to this complete life force energy and leave the body behind. We have access to this energy at all times. Sort of the fountain of youth if you will. Those that communicate their crossing process to me indicate how wonderful it feels to connect with that feeling again. I am suggesting we do that while in body by appreciating all that life has to offer, including having your youngest head down the matrimonial path! 

Kaela and Kyle, I and spirit wish you the very best in all that life has to offer. You are the example of love and trust. Be yourselves and embrace that uniqueness.

I'll still be blubbering each time my kids have a milestone but the tears will be happy ones for they are doing what their life force tells them to; live life and love the process. Who am I to hold anyone in a place of what was?

Practice seeing what is in front of you this week and be amazed at how good it feels!

Heading back to the fountain,

P.S. K and K....will you still be doing laundry at my house after the nuptials? Just wondering.  😉

One of the things that can be very challenging for people is not knowing where they are going. Let's be honest, I've based a business on helping people to see their own path. So often, what is right in front of us is the most difficult to see. Sort of, as clear as the nose on our face. Go ahead and focus on that probosis, it's not clear is it?  

For myself, it is easy to see where someone is proverbially stuck or heading in a direction that perhaps they aren't going to love. I am sure this is true of anyone on the outside of a situation but when you know you have a pack to turn to, the answer is much more evident. 

What's a pack? Well, it's what one has around them to support their knowledge and well being. This can be people, a belief system, education, skills, pets or nature. The different elements are as eclectic as people are. What is in my pack, may not be on your pack. That's fantastic because it makes it all the more interesting. Kind of like asking the kid in school at lunchtime what his parent packed him and comparing notes of culinary yummies. Maybe trading if the feeling is mutual. 

My pack has my intuitive abilities, my coaching experience, my business background, my seemingly insatiable need to learn, my current study of Belief Re-patterning, a family that supports me even when they don't understand my perspective and desires. I also have a trainer that kicks my butt and helps me learn how strong I am while always asking "isn't this fun?" It isn't always, but I do laugh so I have humor too. I have music and can carry a tune. I also have two squishy pets that adore me. My pack is quite full. 

I wonder, what is in your pack? Have you taken inventory of it recently? Could you do that this week? 

When I first put the pack on Tank, he pranced around so proud. He felt purpose and was willing to show his pack off. 

Wouldn't it be nice if we all showed off our pack like that? He has what he needs in that pack, including treats! 

I am going to ask you to ask yourself what could be in your pack. Then message me via the website, Facebook or Twitter to share what you came up with. We can have a virtual lunchtime together! I am particularly fond of ginger snaps. In case you are wondering. :) 

Do you know if your pack is full, you can do anything? You can! I've seen it. ;)

Pack shopping,

We are amazing, aren't we? So versatile and complex as humans. I love the diversity that is in the world. We have such different styles, ways we see things and how we are wired. It is really wonderful to have that. Think how boring it would be to all be the same. The drive I have is uniquely mine, as is yours. No comparisons needed but rather a celebration of all that goes into making us who we are.

Each person gets to choose how much they do and at what level of investment they do it in. More often then not, I see people who are trying to do forty two things at a time not realizing that it isn't effective. Our poor brain is keeping us alive, should we really tax it trying to pay attention to everything else? It is only capable of paying attention with focus to one thing at a time. If you are doing more than that, you are not being efficient or effective and probably aren't having fun either. 

A friend and I were having a chat and I asked her if she thought she was a Swiss army knife. She had all these balls in the air and felt she wasn't doing any of them justice. This can be a slippery slope when you own your own business because so much of that is determined on client satisfaction and if they aren't satisfied, they won't be paying. It wasn't related to her ability to do the job.  At that she excels. Her issue was believing just because she had the tools, she should be doing all of them at the same time. So, unless she is a Swiss army knife, this is not going to work. When I suggested this, she remembered how relieved she felt when she had applied that way of being and how much she got done in a short amount of time. See, we really do have our own answers if we are willing to look. 

Pay attention to how many things you try to do at once. Do you have several windows open on the computer when doing work? Is chat going while you are trying to focus? Is the tv on in the background for noise as you are doing projects? Challenge yourself to do one thing at a time. It may take practice. Perhaps start with folding the laundry. Be present with that process and feel what a relief that is to your electrical system. 

How about we leave the multitasking to the tools that are best designed for that and give our brains and systems a break and perhaps, just perhaps, find some peace within. Seem worth trying? I thought so. Send me your "I did one thing at at time" stories. I would love to hear how great you feel,as I know you will. 

Logging off to simply stare into space, 

It occurred to me the other day that I hadn't done an energy update in quite a long time and that it would be good to do. Especially since the universal energy is feeling so groovy lately. Now, to be fair, it just shifted a few days ago but already I am feeling I might just survive this year after all.

For those that may have been sleeping the last four years, it's been a bumpy ride. It felt like the longest labor in the history of giving birth. I don't know about you, but at times I would have appreciated the amnesia of that birthing experience again because riding these waves have been tricky at times. However, we made it!

There will always be shifts in the energy, because everything is energy, and we will always be responsible for how we handle those shifts but isn't it nice to know there is a calm period happening and guess what? It isn't going to simply be for a weekend or two. We have all the way to amazing October to feel the ahhhhhhhhhhh of this next transition. As someone who has felt like I was on the verge of imploding and exploding all at the same time, I am doing the happy dance.

So, what happens is there is a universal sigh, so to speak, that will allow us to catch our breaths and get clarity about what is next. This is always possible but with the support of the universe, it will be easier. Some of the decisions may be difficult ones but they will be made with the clear vision of our paths and what is in the highest interest. You may see relationships that are parting even after years of being together. People leaving jobs and careers they have had for a long time as well. Of course, there will be people passing but that happens in every energy, every day, of every month of every year. This is life and another example of everything being energy.

Some of the choices could be fantastic too. There will be a surge in wanting to learn. Since this is so personal it could mean college, trade school, certification, spiritual classes or learning how to make things of beauty. Whatever is in alignment with the person who is listening. Life isn't an automated machine. You have to participate and you have to want to contribute or what is the sense of being here? This time will be supportive of that decision too. Do I want to move into the new energy that will be about showing up and accountability or do I want to validate my parking and take off to the other side. This will be a personal decision and one we have to respect. There is always time for the soul to grow. It doesn't always have to be done in the physical. Cool eh?

Take this space of a few weeks and really be willing to look at what resonates with you and what doesn't. Be willing to speak of this desire and then put your butt in action to create it. I was watching a show last night with Channing Tatum and Bear Grylls and heard the best quote from Channing. He said "I want to get to the end of my life and know I lived it."  I thought that was a brilliant statement and sums up what the experience of being physical is about, if we are brave enough to say I want to experience life. We don't have to know it all, that isn't possible, but if you have this life, live it!

Breathe and be during this space as well, for the space of silence is often where brilliance lies.

Thoroughly enjoying this siesta,


Last night as I was holding a side plank and Justin, my trainer, asked me to do a leg lift at the same time, I did it, then I let the f word fly. That little four letter gem that I didn't even know until I was in my late twenties and worked with a lovely woman who swore like any self respecting sailor. I'm not proud that it was the word I went to but to be fair, it's the first time, I have a rib being stubborn,  and that freaking position deserved it! I would do it again and probably will! I know to use it in selective surroundings and the ladies I was with would agree with me, I am sure they were saying it under their breath. They had to be. To not would be just inhuman.

While I prefer to use language that is more colorful, my favorite is Holy Mother of Pearl, sometimes it is just fitting and it made him laugh so that was a bonus. After the session when I was thinking about it, I remembered a time I suggested to someone they shift their other F words. A very sweet lady and very much stuck in fear, fight and flight needed help in shifting but wasn't sure how to do that. Shifting is my specialty and yes, I can drive a standard!

I know how healing and helpful humor can be so I asked her if she knew any other f words. She giggled and that shifted the energy right away. See, my knowledge of swear words came in handy there! My mother would be so proud, she was quite prolific with a string of words. To this day if someone said "what stupid SOB did this?" I would probably raise my hand out of habit. But I digress, see what swearing does to you? ha!

In helping my client shift, the humor was the first gear, second was recognizing if the fear was even true and when she realized it was no longer true we could shift to third in re-framing how she saw herself then and on up to fourth where we could cruise with where she wanted to feel (another f word).

What f words are you hanging on to that aren't serving you? Can you clean up your language and replace it with another letter or word with a slightly higher vibration? Perhaps you have another letter that is yours, s for self-sabotage, j for judgment, g for guilt and the list goes on. Whatever is the letter of the day, choose a word that helps you go up a gear in your transmission. This will effect your frequency of vibration as well as the energy you are literally transmitting. Remember to take the humor with you!

Oh, and my client? She sent me a note saying she shifted into overdrive when she realized she was FANTASTIC! Now that is an f word.

Refraining from side planks to keep my language clean today,

One of the characteristics I most respect in someone is their ability to show grace in life. Whether it is grace under fire in a one time situation or the way they carry themselves, it is an admirable quality. Grace is a controlled, pleasant and polite way of being. It seems to be less and less encouraged lately and I am going to bring the movement, if there ever was a movement, back.

I truly believe that if we each would strive to act with grace, there would be less conflict and a much more enjoyable life for everyone. It does take courage to act in this manner but what is life without a little bit of challenge? To me this is the next step after learning to shift from reacting to responding. Being in a state of reaction not only increases negative energy, it creates discourse in the body. It also shows others that we are unreasonable and therefor difficult to be around. We've all had that family member or co-worker who was so reactive avoidance seems like the only recourse, or so it seems.

What if, instead of avoiding, we found that place of grace within and showed how good being in control of ones emotions and temper feels like? I am not suggesting that we become robots, I am suggesting that we realize that throwing energy around and being so affronted by everything and everyone is really a personal issue. It is about you not liking you and wanting to distract with theatrics. As simple and difficult as that. What if you realized the point of any anger is a dissatisfaction with your course of life or choices within such life? Then what if you realized you could change it by adapting some grace in your daily experience?

I had a client, when I suggested this approach, ask me if I had never been hurt to the point that I wanted to lash out. Of course I have and I have even lashed out, but where did it get me? More hurt because I knew that wasn't how I wanted to be. I remember the actions of those that haven't always had my best interest at heart, but my holding anger isn't going to hurt or help them. I told her that I could find grace in the situation and with the person without being a push over. I don't have amnesia, I have choice. I have the ability to choose how I want to live and that is with peace that I did my best in every situation.

Grace is being able to see that others have their own issues and not pointing it out or instigating more problems. Grace is being willing to allow others to be who they are and not who you want them to be. Grace is understanding there is an eternal process to all of us and when one is challenged, it is temporary and therefore an opportunity to grow and rock this lifetime of acceptance.

Grace is not putting up with abusive behavior but it is being willing to walk away from the person who is acting as such.

Do you want to join my movement? It will not only be fun, it will be peaceful and we could all use a little peace don't you think? Well, then be the one bringing it instead of just posting about it on social media. Act on your ability to bring grace to the world. I thank you in advance.

Gracefully, unless we are talking dancing, yours,

I don't think it is a surprise that we are very production based in our culture. Everything seems to revolve around what do you do? Are you successful? How do you contribute? For someone like myself who likes to be busy and produce, this has rarely been an issue but I started seeing the conflict it can create when my moods went to the shall we say, cranky side.

I used to love crunching the numbers and finding ways to produce more than seemed possible or inspiring others to draw more out of themselves in productivity but then something happened. I hit a wall. I hit a proverbial wall. One that was not surmountable and one that I had no interest in going around. This wall was one of exhaustion with a little bit of the poor me thrown in for good measure. It was the great wall of production shut down.

Imagine my surprise that I might be tired. Who had time for tired? I had a business to run where I was the commodity, I had a house to keep functioning and the animals had grown accustomed to eating every day, as had I.  However there was no option. I intuitively knew that if I didn't slow it down and learn to be, I was facing something that was going to knock me on my kiester and anyone who knows me knows I'm good for one day of loafing around, but any longer, and I get ready to do something. So, ironically, the very idea that I might have to rest helped me to rest.

Another irony was I had the perfect statement for it when I said to a friend that her willingness to see herself as having value even when she wasn't producing was going to help her land her next best job. Jeez, universe, just smack me upside the head why don't you? At this point I had already adjusted my schedule to have a summer and to enjoy being outside while learning to be in the moment. I was doing a pretty good job too so this statement gave me an insight to what was behind the resistance in the first place. It seems I was trying to go over that wall anyway. I'd like to say I'm surprised but I'm not....I love a good challenge....after a rest.

Seeing value in self when not producing can be a challenge but it is so worth it. When you know that allowing yourself to be will create an opening somewhere down the line, it can ease you into learning how to trust as well.  Preventative action is how I am looking at it.  I could have kept up the pace of the last twenty years. I am strong, I know I could do it, but I wasn't happy doing it and what is the point of doing anything if you aren't enjoying it?

This preventative action is why factories shut down. They go through the machines. They do clean up. They get rid of the broken pieces and they give the workers a break to come back fresh and ready to work. Where can you apply this to your own life? It doesn't have to be all at once. I took a smaller piece of the pie. I eliminated all but one evening a month and I stopped offering sessions on Saturdays. Twenty years of working nights and weekends at sometimes three jobs was enough!

You know what happened? I not only rested, I discovered I like being outside and riding a bike. I trusted that my business would be ok, as it had in the past, and I get to pass the knowledge on that my value does not come from how much I produce work wise, it comes from how much love of life I produce. I'd much rather be that factory.

What machine of yours could use some TLC? What action are you willing to commit to that will help you be in restorative mode? Where do you want to have fun and enjoy life?  Do you value yourself enough to give the gift of presence?  It's ok if they aren't a complete yes or an I know what to do. I can help with that if you like, but at least hear that it is possible and that enjoying life is a prerogative, a choice, but a choice you must make for you because you are the only owner of your factory!

I am grateful for the cosmic two by four that gave me the heads up that I could be on my butt. I am grateful I have learned to hear such messages and then to act on them and I am so grateful to be able to share what I have learned so that you don't have to get whacked upside the head with the great wall of exhaustion. If you listen for yourself.

I'll see you on the bike trail! Wave as you go by!
Well, to be clear, I owe you one if I have ever read for you. I decided a few months ago that I wanted a reading. I have had a challenge in finding someone that one, didn't know me, two, was authentic and three, that would call me back. The universe is so hysterical sometimes. In those moments when I felt I wanted the guidance but perhaps didn't want to listen to my own guides, I would attempt to book a reading with someone I thought would be good, blunt and provide me with some moving forward advice, and it wouldn't go through. Either they didn't call me back, the payment wouldn't take, or the email would go unanswered, even after re-sending. Crazy but I trust that and did a bit of pouting while I waited for the correct alignment.

That alignment happened two weeks ago. To be truthful, it was with someone that a friend had gone to and had told me about several times. I wasn't in a place where I wanted to go to her. Two weeks ago, that snapped into place and I got online to book an appointment. Turned out she had an opening that week as someone had to reschedule. Again, I trust these things.

I went, I had a fantastic session and I came back with some information that true, I already knew, but I had a clear working sense of how to apply myself and to embrace my abilities. Then, I had a few days of holy mackerel, what just hit me?  This is where the apology comes in. It had been so long since I had had a personal experience, I forgot how much of an impact it can make to one's system, beliefs and path. I always do my work with reverence and with the greatest respect of my clients but I had forgotten how much processing goes into these things and haven't done a good job of letting people know that they may experience a wave of energy. So, I'm sorry if I didn't give you the heads up!

One of the things I don't advertise and this practitioner suggested I start letting people know, is when you come to me, you get a whole system reboot. I loved the analogy because I love technology! I am trained in several modalities but find the hands on work to not be my niche.  So many people have told me my hands get too hot so I refrain from scalding people out of principle!  However, I love the distance work and the boost that it can give to one's healing process so when you are in my office, you can be assured you are getting a buy one. get one free session.  I term it as sort of a car wash of sorts. When people leave, or hang up, they are energetically clean and tuned up to where their vibration is the most comfortable. It is something that comes naturally to me so I didn't even consider it to be anything to chat about. Again, insert apology.

Why an apology? Well, because if I am known as the person who will be honest with you about your energy and what I am seeing, I should be honest about this too. I just had to become aware of it first, or rather be reminded that I do it!  It is so natural for me to shift the energy in a room to the highest place that I can forget that not all people know about it or are even aware it is possible. I don't throw my energy the way some people do but it is still nice to let someone know they will be swiffered off, don't you think?

Most people aren't going to have an issue with receiving more than they thought they were coming in for so I figure I am good there but thought in the interest of full disclosure, there you have it!

Each session that I do is an individual experience for me, as well as, the person coming in because no two souls are alike, thankfully. I want the very best for the person in the room and for all the people in my life. Whatever their journey may be.

So, I won't apologize again because now I know to say it ahead of time but in case I have a lapse in memory, there you go....you've been told. This is something to keep in mind regardless of any energy session you experience, that and drink lots of water. :)
