Grace; it's worth learning.

One of the characteristics I most respect in someone is their ability to show grace in life. Whether it is grace under fire in a one time situation or the way they carry themselves, it is an admirable quality. Grace is a controlled, pleasant and polite way of being. It seems to be less and less encouraged lately and I am going to bring the movement, if there ever was a movement, back.

I truly believe that if we each would strive to act with grace, there would be less conflict and a much more enjoyable life for everyone. It does take courage to act in this manner but what is life without a little bit of challenge? To me this is the next step after learning to shift from reacting to responding. Being in a state of reaction not only increases negative energy, it creates discourse in the body. It also shows others that we are unreasonable and therefor difficult to be around. We've all had that family member or co-worker who was so reactive avoidance seems like the only recourse, or so it seems.

What if, instead of avoiding, we found that place of grace within and showed how good being in control of ones emotions and temper feels like? I am not suggesting that we become robots, I am suggesting that we realize that throwing energy around and being so affronted by everything and everyone is really a personal issue. It is about you not liking you and wanting to distract with theatrics. As simple and difficult as that. What if you realized the point of any anger is a dissatisfaction with your course of life or choices within such life? Then what if you realized you could change it by adapting some grace in your daily experience?

I had a client, when I suggested this approach, ask me if I had never been hurt to the point that I wanted to lash out. Of course I have and I have even lashed out, but where did it get me? More hurt because I knew that wasn't how I wanted to be. I remember the actions of those that haven't always had my best interest at heart, but my holding anger isn't going to hurt or help them. I told her that I could find grace in the situation and with the person without being a push over. I don't have amnesia, I have choice. I have the ability to choose how I want to live and that is with peace that I did my best in every situation.

Grace is being able to see that others have their own issues and not pointing it out or instigating more problems. Grace is being willing to allow others to be who they are and not who you want them to be. Grace is understanding there is an eternal process to all of us and when one is challenged, it is temporary and therefore an opportunity to grow and rock this lifetime of acceptance.

Grace is not putting up with abusive behavior but it is being willing to walk away from the person who is acting as such.

Do you want to join my movement? It will not only be fun, it will be peaceful and we could all use a little peace don't you think? Well, then be the one bringing it instead of just posting about it on social media. Act on your ability to bring grace to the world. I thank you in advance.

Gracefully, unless we are talking dancing, yours,


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