Time is an illusion, isn't it?

This is one of those questions that can drive one kookabonkers. Is time an illusion? Some would say so. That we only measure time because man created it as a way of measuring. Others would say that it exists because Mother Nature shows us that in cycles. Still others say it doesn't and we are living simultaneous lives. The last one would explain why we are always so tired. One lifetime at a time is enough, don't you think?

I experienced  my own question of time this weekend. We had an engagement party for our daughter and her fiancé. Our adult daughter! I am one of those parents that celebrated their children getting older.  I've never really felt sad at the idea they were aging. Isn't that natural? The process? The expected? While I still feel this, it was surreal to be part of the festivities and celebration of her future marriage. One of the reasons being I feel like life has just begun for me so to be riding parallel to her experience of new, it was a bit confusing and amazing!

Sure, I remember the funny child she was, but she's that funny adult.  I remember that she never wanted to wake up for daycare or school but she currently works the three to eleven shift, so has anything changed there? Nope. See why it's confusing? The element of time tells me that almost twenty two years have passed, but have they really? 

It feels like a blink of an eye yet I don't want to go back. I want to keep looking forward and celebrate all that life has to offer. I hold such wonder for what is ahead that I am like a kid waiting for holidays to start. This is why it feels like life is just starting. This feeling is new and I want to stretch it as far as I can! 

We had a few other new things happen on the same day. Our grandson, who was one day shy of five, decided he could do his first overnight ever! In my exhaustion from the party, and his adorable reasoning, I couldn't say no. He did well. Midnight sleep time, up at seven. Nana thought time didn't exist that night! But, seriously, how do you say no to these faces? 

Our dog also did his first overnight at doggie daycare. I suspect he slept more than the almost five year old.

Countless kids will begin school this week. Instead of lamenting where did the time go, show them how exciting it is to live life.  Look through that windshield and leave the rear view one for backing up your vehicle. 

While it still boggles my mind that I have three grown children, four grandchildren and a mortgage, I intend to embrace my timeless self and see how much more alive I can feel each year.  

We all have life force energy. The energy that powers the universe. Life force energy IS timeless. When we croak, we return to this complete life force energy and leave the body behind. We have access to this energy at all times. Sort of the fountain of youth if you will. Those that communicate their crossing process to me indicate how wonderful it feels to connect with that feeling again. I am suggesting we do that while in body by appreciating all that life has to offer, including having your youngest head down the matrimonial path! 

Kaela and Kyle, I and spirit wish you the very best in all that life has to offer. You are the example of love and trust. Be yourselves and embrace that uniqueness.

I'll still be blubbering each time my kids have a milestone but the tears will be happy ones for they are doing what their life force tells them to; live life and love the process. Who am I to hold anyone in a place of what was?

Practice seeing what is in front of you this week and be amazed at how good it feels!

Heading back to the fountain,

P.S. K and K....will you still be doing laundry at my house after the nuptials? Just wondering.  😉


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