The other F words...

Last night as I was holding a side plank and Justin, my trainer, asked me to do a leg lift at the same time, I did it, then I let the f word fly. That little four letter gem that I didn't even know until I was in my late twenties and worked with a lovely woman who swore like any self respecting sailor. I'm not proud that it was the word I went to but to be fair, it's the first time, I have a rib being stubborn,  and that freaking position deserved it! I would do it again and probably will! I know to use it in selective surroundings and the ladies I was with would agree with me, I am sure they were saying it under their breath. They had to be. To not would be just inhuman.

While I prefer to use language that is more colorful, my favorite is Holy Mother of Pearl, sometimes it is just fitting and it made him laugh so that was a bonus. After the session when I was thinking about it, I remembered a time I suggested to someone they shift their other F words. A very sweet lady and very much stuck in fear, fight and flight needed help in shifting but wasn't sure how to do that. Shifting is my specialty and yes, I can drive a standard!

I know how healing and helpful humor can be so I asked her if she knew any other f words. She giggled and that shifted the energy right away. See, my knowledge of swear words came in handy there! My mother would be so proud, she was quite prolific with a string of words. To this day if someone said "what stupid SOB did this?" I would probably raise my hand out of habit. But I digress, see what swearing does to you? ha!

In helping my client shift, the humor was the first gear, second was recognizing if the fear was even true and when she realized it was no longer true we could shift to third in re-framing how she saw herself then and on up to fourth where we could cruise with where she wanted to feel (another f word).

What f words are you hanging on to that aren't serving you? Can you clean up your language and replace it with another letter or word with a slightly higher vibration? Perhaps you have another letter that is yours, s for self-sabotage, j for judgment, g for guilt and the list goes on. Whatever is the letter of the day, choose a word that helps you go up a gear in your transmission. This will effect your frequency of vibration as well as the energy you are literally transmitting. Remember to take the humor with you!

Oh, and my client? She sent me a note saying she shifted into overdrive when she realized she was FANTASTIC! Now that is an f word.

Refraining from side planks to keep my language clean today,


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