I owe you an apology...

Well, to be clear, I owe you one if I have ever read for you. I decided a few months ago that I wanted a reading. I have had a challenge in finding someone that one, didn't know me, two, was authentic and three, that would call me back. The universe is so hysterical sometimes. In those moments when I felt I wanted the guidance but perhaps didn't want to listen to my own guides, I would attempt to book a reading with someone I thought would be good, blunt and provide me with some moving forward advice, and it wouldn't go through. Either they didn't call me back, the payment wouldn't take, or the email would go unanswered, even after re-sending. Crazy but I trust that and did a bit of pouting while I waited for the correct alignment.

That alignment happened two weeks ago. To be truthful, it was with someone that a friend had gone to and had told me about several times. I wasn't in a place where I wanted to go to her. Two weeks ago, that snapped into place and I got online to book an appointment. Turned out she had an opening that week as someone had to reschedule. Again, I trust these things.

I went, I had a fantastic session and I came back with some information that true, I already knew, but I had a clear working sense of how to apply myself and to embrace my abilities. Then, I had a few days of holy mackerel, what just hit me?  This is where the apology comes in. It had been so long since I had had a personal experience, I forgot how much of an impact it can make to one's system, beliefs and path. I always do my work with reverence and with the greatest respect of my clients but I had forgotten how much processing goes into these things and haven't done a good job of letting people know that they may experience a wave of energy. So, I'm sorry if I didn't give you the heads up!

One of the things I don't advertise and this practitioner suggested I start letting people know, is when you come to me, you get a whole system reboot. I loved the analogy because I love technology! I am trained in several modalities but find the hands on work to not be my niche.  So many people have told me my hands get too hot so I refrain from scalding people out of principle!  However, I love the distance work and the boost that it can give to one's healing process so when you are in my office, you can be assured you are getting a buy one. get one free session.  I term it as sort of a car wash of sorts. When people leave, or hang up, they are energetically clean and tuned up to where their vibration is the most comfortable. It is something that comes naturally to me so I didn't even consider it to be anything to chat about. Again, insert apology.

Why an apology? Well, because if I am known as the person who will be honest with you about your energy and what I am seeing, I should be honest about this too. I just had to become aware of it first, or rather be reminded that I do it!  It is so natural for me to shift the energy in a room to the highest place that I can forget that not all people know about it or are even aware it is possible. I don't throw my energy the way some people do but it is still nice to let someone know they will be swiffered off, don't you think?

Most people aren't going to have an issue with receiving more than they thought they were coming in for so I figure I am good there but thought in the interest of full disclosure, there you have it!

Each session that I do is an individual experience for me, as well as, the person coming in because no two souls are alike, thankfully. I want the very best for the person in the room and for all the people in my life. Whatever their journey may be.

So, I won't apologize again because now I know to say it ahead of time but in case I have a lapse in memory, there you go....you've been told. This is something to keep in mind regardless of any energy session you experience, that and drink lots of water. :)



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