Are you a tool?

We are amazing, aren't we? So versatile and complex as humans. I love the diversity that is in the world. We have such different styles, ways we see things and how we are wired. It is really wonderful to have that. Think how boring it would be to all be the same. The drive I have is uniquely mine, as is yours. No comparisons needed but rather a celebration of all that goes into making us who we are.

Each person gets to choose how much they do and at what level of investment they do it in. More often then not, I see people who are trying to do forty two things at a time not realizing that it isn't effective. Our poor brain is keeping us alive, should we really tax it trying to pay attention to everything else? It is only capable of paying attention with focus to one thing at a time. If you are doing more than that, you are not being efficient or effective and probably aren't having fun either. 

A friend and I were having a chat and I asked her if she thought she was a Swiss army knife. She had all these balls in the air and felt she wasn't doing any of them justice. This can be a slippery slope when you own your own business because so much of that is determined on client satisfaction and if they aren't satisfied, they won't be paying. It wasn't related to her ability to do the job.  At that she excels. Her issue was believing just because she had the tools, she should be doing all of them at the same time. So, unless she is a Swiss army knife, this is not going to work. When I suggested this, she remembered how relieved she felt when she had applied that way of being and how much she got done in a short amount of time. See, we really do have our own answers if we are willing to look. 

Pay attention to how many things you try to do at once. Do you have several windows open on the computer when doing work? Is chat going while you are trying to focus? Is the tv on in the background for noise as you are doing projects? Challenge yourself to do one thing at a time. It may take practice. Perhaps start with folding the laundry. Be present with that process and feel what a relief that is to your electrical system. 

How about we leave the multitasking to the tools that are best designed for that and give our brains and systems a break and perhaps, just perhaps, find some peace within. Seem worth trying? I thought so. Send me your "I did one thing at at time" stories. I would love to hear how great you feel,as I know you will. 

Logging off to simply stare into space, 


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