Which net are you looking for? Do you know?

The English language is fascinating to me. We have so many meanings to one word. What is even more fun is that the different meanings have different vibrations. Often we feel we are looking for one thing when really our soul, or true sense of self, is looking for another.

Take the word network for instance, in our times this can mean computer network, social network, or if you are a high flying aerial artist, a whole different type of net work. The prefix of the word has just as many connotations, most of them action oriented, fishing net, basketball net, butterfly net, or trapeze net. All of them intending to catch something.

It occurred to me while talking with someone, that we often look to others to be that net. Catch me so I don't fall kind of thinking. It may not even be conscious that we are doing this but since the last blog was about doing the same thing over and over and ignoring what really needs to be done, I thought this would fit right in.

Expecting others to be that net or make things ok or save you from yourself is very self-centered, as well as a bit lazy. These aren't even the parts that occurred to me as being out of alignment. It was the idea that each person doesn't have the ability to be their own net. We do. We do it all the time, we just don't always acknowledge it. That is where the subconscious comes into play as well. It's so cute that subconscious, isn't it? Perhaps we watched others expect others to be saved, thank you very much Lois Lane, or perhaps we were told being strong will drive people away. Whatever the message, it is up to the individual to shift that and realize, you are your best net and maybe you don't need saving anyway. Maybe you just need to believe in you so that you say "what net? I don't need no stinking net!"   :)

Sure, having someone else play that part of the supposed net (because they can't save you anyway) may lend a certain sense of security, but it is false security as we all have free will.  They may wake up and realize net being is not the way they want to be in this lifetime, to which we need to high five them! Unless your job is a lifeguard, do not be the rescuer! It's exhausting and doesn't allow the other person to know they are capable of swimming this life channel.

What if, you weren't looking for a net anyway? What if you were looking for a network? Perhaps you are looking for a support system that is equally based and one that you contribute to as well. Does that resonate? Community of sorts that allows you to attempt new crazy acrobatics while we hold our breath and then clap like crazy when you stick the landing. Doesn't that feel better than the whole damsel, or dam, in distress. (Is dam the correct term there for the guy? hmmm another fun with words for a different day.)

The next time you are doing the personal pity party, give yourself five minutes of it, then look within and see what you are really asking for. What could serve you best in this moment? How could you find your own power to fly above the net to capture that sense of self and offer it out to create a network of like minded energies that want to play and learn and grow in this amazing world we have?

Can you feel the difference there in energy? The net that will "save" me and the network that will support me and I it. Which one feels higher to you? If net does, be willing to look and see if staying where you are is a way to protect you from flying. The soul is here to learn, grow and participate. I promise, staying where it doesn't work will not feel good for long and eventually, there will be an awareness that the network exists, perhaps you just weren't tapping into it.

This network is not limited to people. You have a whole non-physical network that is willing and able to help you be your strong self. Call a meeting. Get to to know that network of fun beings.

Give yourself the gift of trusting in you to take this journey and rock it! If everyone had caught your little tushie every time you took a step, you wouldn't be able to walk today. That innate trusting part of you is still in there. Let it out and let it fly!

Be yourself in your network and you will find that the idea of any other net does not apply...except for ordering really cool gadgets. I love that net!



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