If I asked you when was the last time you practiced any self care was, would you be able to answer me? Would you even be able to identify what the self care would look or sound like?
For years people would ask me if I was practicing self care and I would say, yes, of course I am. I brush my teeth, I get over six hours of sleep at night and I occasionally take myself for a walk. I recognize now these are all a survival thing not necessarily self care. I'll be honest and say I thought it was all a bit of hooey. Being raised in an environment where feelings were not discussed and you just dealt with things yourself, the idea of talking about taking care of myself was foreign enough without actually doing it. Then I hit the mother of all walls. Owning a business, raising family, husband illness and home renovation. If you want to plan a meltdown, that combination will do it. Then the self care concept became, hmmmm, maybe people are on to something.
I'd rather you not have to experience the level of stress I did to get to the place of understanding what self care is and then learn to apply it.
One way to tell if you are not practicing taking care of you is to see where your shoulders are right now. Are they so far up they look like a new form of earring? Is your stomach in a knot? Is your head so busy the stock exchange ticker tape looks tame in comparison? Do you have a recent diagnosis from the medical profession that doesn't thrill you?
Any of these can be an example of holding the stress of everyday life in your body and an indication a little observation and a plan are necessary.
One of the things I used to let get in my way was the idea that "if I don't do it, no one will." Sound familiar? Over burdening myself in the attempt to get an Oscar or some kind of award after I croak is what I see it as now. It was an impressive line to tell myself but it wasn't true. Which is often the case for any of our excuses. Other people, family members, business associates, hired professionals or friends could absolutely handle whatever it is I thought I was the only one who could. The need to be needed can be annoying can't it?
I'm here to tell you that if you have any of the symptoms above or any others that may manifest in your life, then you need you more than you need any fake award for martyrdom. Besides, who wants something else to dust?
For this weeks call to action, how about you take five short minutes and ask yourself what would I really like right now? What would fill my emotional gas tank and help me lower my shoulders to where my skeletal system believes they belong? Would a massage, a bike ride, a coffee date with a friend, a hike in the woods, a good book in a hammock or singing at the top of my lungs in the car or living room fill me up? What would do it?
Be honest about needing care and then do something to fulfill it. Your body will thank you and so will those around you. I promise you, there is no award for suffering and the only payoff is illness, so does it make sense to keep doing it?
I wish you the best in creating your care plan. If you could use help, give me a call, I created the Self Care Package for just these reasons.
Take care of you and life will too.
Caring for self,
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