Appreciate your ability to adapt.

Today's blog will be simple; appreciate what you have. I woke up this morning to a view that had me wondering if I had been placed in a snow globe over night, really, really cold temperatures and a dog who is used to a longgggg walk on Sunday's. Don't ask me how he knows what day it is, but he does and he is not happy with the turn of events. I heard myself say to him, "dude, you have to learn to accept and appreciate this situation. You don't have to like it, but being upset isn't going to help you any." Now, some would say I was talking to myself and to some level, I agree, but he knows what days are daycare days, long walk days and how to tell us he'd like a frozen bone to chew on by sticking his nose on the freezer, I figured he could handle this concept. He pouted for a bit, then found his favorite ball and played catch by himself for a bit then laid down for a nap.

I wonder how many of us humans could be as accepting. There is an opportunity to learn in any situation if we are open to seeing it. Supposedly humans are adaptable and I guess our society would show that but lately we've gotten wimpy. The whining and pouting is at amazing levels as if Mother Nature owes us something and should only create weather we would like to see. To me adapting requires our participation. We must be willing to look at what we are offered; bone chilling temperatures and no walk, and adapt to the news; grab a book, write a letter, clean your closet, dance in the living room, whatever your adaptation looks like, do it!

In order to adapt, it would help if we appreciated what we have. Sure, it is cold here in the Northeast, but if you have a roof over your head, sweatshirts to put on, food in your belly or a favorite ball to play with, you have it pretty good. Even if the situation is trying at the moment: a diagnosis, a bill that is overdue, a relationship that is ending, you have the ability to appreciate and adapt. Step back and see it without the poor me view finder and please, I beg you, lose the drama.

One could see all the snowfall we have had as an abundance that is available in the universe and use it to inspire. Each day we have really is a gift and the ones wasted in whining and complaining do not get recycled so you can do them again in a higher vibration. They have passed. Sure, there will be another lifetime but do you really want to waste this one banking on that the next one will be one of joy? It won't if you don't learn to have it here, I promise you. Part of the adaptation of the soul is to work in progression, so if you don't learn to appreciate now, I guarantee you will get to attempt it again.
  • What could you appreciate about today in your life?
  • What is one thing you have been whining about, be honest at least to yourself, that really isn't a big deal but you are making it one?
  • What if today really was your last day, would you want to go out whining and complaining? Some will, leave them to it. Be brave enough to take your own path.
  • If being joyful for self is a challenge, how could you bring this to others while you learn how to do it for self?
It can be an easy path to go the way of griping and being annoyed but easy isn't always the best way. What if you gave yourself permission to appreciate how powerful this universe is and therefore how powerful you are? You have the power to influence how your life goes and to teach a way of being that is grounded in appreciation. Amazing isn't it?

I appreciate you reading this and wish you a wonderful day and life of observation, appreciation and adaptation. Love the snow globe you are in. Like all shaken globes, the wonder is in what the shaking creates. A whole new view. A way of choosing how you would like to be. Hmmmm, you had that all along, didn't you?

In amazement of the size of the snowbanks in our globe,


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