I love analogies and if I do say so myself, I came up with a brilliant one today. Everyone who is a one is sensitive. It goes with being a soul and a human. We all have feelings, emotions and this amazing ability to feel energy. In fact, our feeling of situations is often where we get the most information even if we do explain it away as logic. Some people feel more than others due to their wiring and souls path. While it is fantastic and a gift, I believe, some don't handle it well. I didn't until I learned a bit about how to balance energy and create a supportive field.
You see, we are all a bunch of energy walking around as humans. We have a field around us made of many, many bodies called an aura. In this aura are a ton of sensors much like satellite dishes that send information through our system. When someone is really sensitive, crowds, arguments or pressurized situations can be incredibly taxing. Is this you? Have you noticed this about yourself? Congratulations!
This field picks up all kinds of debris, so it is important to keep it clean and supported. One way I do this is each day, sometimes a few times a day, I ask to be surrounded by white light and if I am feeling a bit stressed, I ask for gold. I ask Archangel Michael but you can ask whomever, of the angelic or higher realms. So, you could ask the Archangels, Buddha, Jesus, Source, God or whomever you feel to be your high connection. The surrounding light creates a high vibration that is supportive because it is YOUR energy enhanced. Some may suggest you do this for protection. I don't agree with this as if you are asking for protection, you are lining up with a fearful energy. Why go there? Go to the supportive place always.
One of the things that can happen when someone isn't using the supportive light is an overload of the emotional system. This is usually evident in very reactive people. Those that find a reason to complain and whine about everything. Also those who argue without knowing what the heck they are talking about. Arguing just to argue. Reacting rather than responding. System overload.
So my analogy? Oh yeah, so I explained being absorbent of energy and how important it was to release that energy effectively as a comparison to gasoline and the fumes that come off the gas. Now, bear with me as I am not a chemistry major, but how I explained it was the gas (being sensitive to situations) wasn't the issue, it was the fumes (absorbing way too much without using light or releasing built up energy) that could cause a blow when the match of overload gets struck. BOOM!
What does this mean to you? Well, it means if you are proactive by asking for that light, daily or more often, and learning what your combustion level is, you can work to dispel that energy through healthy ways rather than through stress or explosion! Think of how much calmer people would be if they just realized they were in charge of their own sensitivities.
So, do you recognize yourself in these descriptions? Could you help out the universe by accepting you are sensitive and being responsible for where you are leaking energy? What if you watched your fumes level and didn't let it get to the combustion place? Not only would you feel more content but you would contribute to an amazing process called balance. That would be lovely and I thank you in advance!
Always traveling the light,
Thank you.