In this world of acronyms and texting language, there are some good ones to be used as reminders of our spacial awareness. I love a good acronym as I feel it helps us like the key that is at the bottom of a map. A shortcut to the place we would like to visit. Today's acronym is MYOB.
MYOB is mind your own business. Now most would probably see this as a directive to someone telling them to stay out of your stuff but I prefer to use it as a self directed tool. Whenever I feel like I am encroaching on someones space or free will, I will remind myself to MYOB, Vicki. (Again, talking to self is very healthy.)
Look around you and see how many people are so invested in those around them that they aren't even living their own lives. Look to social media to see that very quickly. I love social media but come on, the Kardashians are not our lives, unless you are one, nor are the sports teams or whomever made the MSN ticker today. Your life is the one right in front of you. It is the one you are in and the only one you have for right now so do you really want to spend it paying attention to what someone else is doing?
Last night we had a little action in the neighborhood and while I am grateful the police are present and cleaning up our section of town, I don't need to know what is going on. My husband on the other hand would be right in the middle of it if he could. This is no secret in our house. We are very different when it comes to the neighborhood watch. While a little bit of awareness is great, I don't want to leak my energy to those that may or may not, be following the letter of the law. (ok, so when they were mean to their dog I was on the phone immediately. I'm not obtuse, I am choosy about where I put my attention.)
So, where are you watching the neighborhood and not your own yard?
- Do you compare yourself to others? (Their yard/life is not better than yours. It is theirs and yours is yours. Pay attention to yours and you'll be amazed how good it can be.)
- Do you get upset when another practitioner/business/craftsman offers a similar service or seems to be competition? (Someone pointed out to me this week that another person was offering a similar service I do. I told them that was none of my business and I didn't own the copyright to get togethers'. I wished them well and shut down the conversation.)
- Do you think one of your siblings was always your parents favorite? (Maybe they were. So what? Be your own favorite person as a grown up. Childhood should not run the life you have now.)
- Do you get involved in other peoples relationships? (I am of the firm belief there should only be two people in a relationship. The two in it. No one else gets a say nor should be involved. Have a relationship with each person, but not the relationship itself. Thank you to my awesome client who said I could use that line from her session!)
And, how could you pay attention to your own yard?
- Is there a class you have always wanted to take? An advancement of your learning in any way? (Be willing to be bold enough to hear what your inner wisdom is telling you. Listen!)
- Is there some way you have always wanted to give back but have held back for fear someone wouldn't want your services? (It's amazing how good it feels to help another when you come from a place of authenticity and realizing that giving feels good!)
- What area of your life could use a little attention right now. Do a little inventory at home first before looking outside. (Ask yourself, what DO I want in life anyway? If the answer is tough to come by, come see me. I will help.)
I'd like to offer another perception of the MYOB. What if it became Mind Your Own Brilliance? What if you were so good at minding your own business it strengthened your own light and you became a beacon of greatness for self? Just imagine how fun that could be. Then all the great lights could get together and shine some healing on this planet and universe.
What if minding your own brilliance became a movement and we all did just that and taught others that feeling good is contagious and doesn't take away from another when we feel this way? I know we as humans have this potential. I believe in our brilliance.
Have some fun with the brilliance in you and please let me know how you increase your light. Let's support each other and have some great ideas flowing around, shall we?
Minding my brilliance until everyone needs sunglasses to be near me,
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