Chase their tails that is. I just don't get it. I have been feeling like I am doing that this week and it doesn't feel fun to me. Perhaps missing the canine gene is the issue but it seems pretty stressful to me. Even if you catch it, what do you do, bite it?
Have you felt like this lately? I know the energy is a bit excited and can be interpreted as an anxious feeling for some, or a feeling of being jacked up on caffeine, but spin in circles? I am not a fan. I am a fan of the direction of the universal energy right now which is to celebrate our process here and to be more of a cohesive unit. This doesn't mean be in each others back pocket..again..not a fan. What it means is recognizing that when we play well with others, we all succeed.
There is a ridiculous controversy going on in sports right now and I want to shout from the roof tops, IT IS A GAME! Unless you are the players that are directly involved, THIS DOES NOT INVOLVE YOU. Stop acting like it does because you are showing some of your true colors in your behavior and it ain't pretty. Play well with others. Realize that while some may not play well, you are only responsible for you and how you act in response to those who aren't playing well. If you have angry outbursts about sports or any external controversy, you have some within yourself that are the real issue and perhaps you could spend some time looking at that rather than chasing the tail of no results.
I found myself wanting to respond to some of the posts on facebook and then realized, Vicki, stop chasing OTHER people's tails! There is a reason for the unfollow or unfriend button. Exercise the option.
The reason I bring this up is the energy that is present now and for perhaps another two weeks will have this component of whipping up anger and unresolved issues in order to release them. Typically, I report on the energy when it is almost complete so that people can't use it as an excuse to be ding dongs but this is going to be long enough that I felt it would be good to grab those of you who are emotionally mature enough to be responsible for their own actions while realizing why others may be loosing their stuffing and lend some compassion.
We contribute to the energy in the universe so even though there is a little push to get us to clear our stuff, we can't use it as a reason to develop road rage. Be aware and do the things that help ground you so you can be present and not lash out at others in a game of energy volleyball.
What are two things that always bring you back to your senses and your body so you can make choices from the conscious place? For me it is breath and a workout that involves paying attention to what I am doing and praying it ends soon. When it is that intense, you can't think about anything else and by the time you finish, most of what you were hanging on to is gone. The breath will always bring you back to center. Check in now and see if you are breathing and using your diaphragm or are you breathing in your upper chest. Most of us have learned to breathe in our upper chest and that keeps us in reactive mode. Take some nice centering breaths whenever you feel you are spinning out and you will be amazed at how fast the moment passes. Give yourself that gift of a minute and a half to focus and let the tail go.
Yes, life is busy and can whip us up into that tail chasing place but we don't have to go there or stay there. We can borrow the other canine ability; the ability to let things go and bask in the rays of the sun. I am going to align myself there as the self-sabotage of tail biting is boring to me now. Would you like to join me in taking some deep breaths and finding a great spot to soak up the stillness? I bet you would.
During the next few weeks, or years of your life, choose where you will align your energy and choose how you will spend your time. It's your life, do you really want to lend it out to non-supportive habits? Be nice to you and if the anger is coming up and you don't know how to use it constructively, which is not posting on a public platform, then seek help. Give that gift to self.
Choosing to breathe and play,
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