What I want to tell...

...my younger self. I want to tell her to relax. There really is a supportive network of energy that will help you do this human thing. I want to tell her that her kids will become amazing adults and she will have time to think. I want to tell her to focus on what she wants in life and to know that she deserves greatness. 

I would also tell her that her forties will ROCK! She will realize that it is more than ok to ask for what she wants and to not settle. She will learn to like exercise and accept the fact that cooking is not her gig and that's more than ok. I would also say as she loves herself, she attracts others into her life who will do the same, authentically. 

Have you ever thought of communicating with your younger self? So often we beat ourselves up for what we didn't know before and that seems so silly to me. You wouldn't smack a kindergartner for not knowing trigonometry so why would you beat yourself up for not knowing how to handle something? 

Have you ever thought of thanking your younger self for helping you to get to where you are today? Spread some love her or his way. You will be glad you did. You will close the gap between the younger you and the you now and perhaps for the first time in your life, feel whole. When we negate a part of us, being whole is not possible. 

Embrace all aspects of yourself. Aren't you bored with playing small? Yeah, I thought so. Connect with that child dreamer in you. The one that believed in people and magic and a little bit of hope about your future. She believed in you, so you kind of owe it to her to believe in you now. 

If that is challenging, give me a call and I will do my very best to help you two connect. 

Perhaps you could write a letter, go for a walk and chat or do a little daydreaming. She probably misses that. :)

Taking my little Vicki out for ice cream,


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