...know it all by now? What if that is part of the fun of being here on this planet? Learning and adding to what the brain, soul and mind can do? If you knew it all, where could you possibly expand? Wouldn't that be incredibly boring?
The reason I am asking all of these questions is I hear on a weekly, sometimes daily, basis "I should know this already." Like there is some kind of bar code on our butts that if scanned would say, yup, she has life experience, she should know a, b , c by now. Creative? Sure, but correct? I don't believe so. Somewhere along the line as humans we decided that we have to know it all and act like we don't know anything. It's very confusing isn't it?
When I was growing up my mother used to say to me, "Victoria, don't be so smart. Now go help your sister with her homework." I loved helping with homework so it didn't occur to me at the time what a mixed message that was. My sister is older than I am and quite a few grades ahead of me at the time. (and completely capable of doing her own homework I may add.) I know my mother was attempting to help both of us. I know she had our best interests at heart but perhaps, as most of us when not present, didn't realize what she was teaching at the time.
I have allowed the message to hold me back quite a bit in life. I realize this now and with the help of curiosity and lots of Belief Re-patterning, I am able to see it but not engage in it any longer. I know what I know and I stand confident in my not knowing it all. It's such a free feeling to be able to say, I have no clue, but let me check into that or ask someone who does. It is also a lot of fun to say ooooh, ooooh, I know what to do here!
I would love everyone to stand in their own knowing. To hold their power of greatness and realize that we aren't in competition. What you know adds to what I know and what I know can add to what you know. Let's share and realize that our greatest gift is a love of learning. It also happens to be free and something only you can decide if you use or not. No one else has power over how smart you are unless you give permission to self to believe what they may say about you. Which wouldn't be true anyway would it, if you are the only one who can say how much you know?
So, what if you relaxed about where you are and what you could know by now? Should always brings guilt with it. Could brings choice. You could know more, so learn then but put down the billy club you are beating yourself up with for what you think you do not know.
Be willing to see the patterns in your life and how you allow others to treat you or how you treat yourself. By all means, be aware of where you are limiting yourself and then bust through that limitation and stand in the glory of who you are as a soul. If you need help with this, you know where to find me. I'd love to help with your soul work but I have to say, I won't do your home work for you. Lend you a pencil to do it for yourself? You betcha!
If you find yourself wanting to go to the place of blame around what you "should" know, step away from the drama and ask "what can I learn here?". "How can I be nice to me now and open up to a new way of being?" Be inquisitive and be a teacher to self with compassion and love.
Off to learn more about people and how to help,
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