This week Linked In sent out an announcement that I had been in business for fifteen years. Fifteen years! Like most people, I do my work day in and day out and don't really get into how long I've been doing it because each day is new and rear view mirror watching isn't my gig. But, fifteen years! That deserves celebration. ( I had mint chocolate chip ice cream to celebrate in case you are interested.)
Most people don't know how it all got started. I was working and had three kids at home when my sister suggested I take one of the kids to an intuitive as he was having challenges with the biological mother he chose in this lifetime. I couldn't send him by himself so his father and I went along and as I watched the process I became aware that this "watching a movie" over someone's head isn't what everyone does. (Although I believe we all can do it to some extent.) I went back to the office the next day and shared my experience "over the water cooler" with a few of my co-workers. They laughed that I was so surprised that someone could do that and said that I did it all the time. I thought they were messing with me, but they weren't. It turns out they had been keeping track of my observations and that set my questioning mind into action.
After a few months of self reflection I decided, that's cool, but it doesn't change the fact that I had kids to raise and a life to live. I chose to see my sensitivity as a skill to be used in conjunction with that life. I was grateful to understand why it hurt me so much when others were sad or hurt about something. It gave me direction in how to handle energy and to learn to communicate in new ways. Fast forward a few years, a new job and people who were interested in the subject of metaphysics and the doors started opening. I do believe that when spirit wants you to move forward, you will get a cosmic 2x4 if you aren't listening.
My 2x4 was giving my notice to my job when I didn't plan to do that. Out of my mouth it flew and I knew it was time to jump and do the readings full time. Fast forward another ten years and here we are and I am so grateful. My office has moved a few times and the business has grown and shifted to now include coaching and being a Belief Re-patterning Practictioner (Official this week as well and my Quick Books balanced. It's been a good week!)
Adding the coaching and Belief Re-patterning became necessary in my humble opinion as I wasn't satisfied simply reading someone's path and energy. I wanted people to develop their own sense of self. To create their own tools and to take a vested interest in their own life. I could watch screens the rest of my life and have a great life doing it, but my soul and self wanted more. I am so grateful for my clients who have been part of my life and continue to be excited about whatever I get an inkling to study. If we don't continue to learn, life is boring isn't it?
In keeping with the what is she doing now theme, I'd like to introduce what I call the Self Care Package. This is the why didn't I think of this before part.....
A Self Care Package is a way to have ongoing support from me in a way that is planned financially and creates a commitment to self where consistency pays off. The way that it works is we enter into an agreement that gives you the ability to book sessions of Belief Re-patterning or Intuitive Coaching and pay on a monthly basis. For example, say life is a bit chaotic at the moment and you would like support and need to meet more than once a month. We can book sessions as agreed on and you will be billed monthly. When life calms and monthly sessions work again, we will go back to that schedule. Packages can be purchased in three, six and twelve month increments. These sessions are billed at a fifteen percent discount off my usual charge.
I have met with people once a month for years and for some reason this never occurred to me to do across the board. Part of that is, to be honest, promoting myself does not come easily but this package is fun for me. It allows me to offer ongoing support when people most need it while answering the "I wish I could see you every week but I can't swing it" statement.
So, it only took me fifteen years to put this in action. I think that speaks well to the longevity of my business. :)
I have grown so much, and released so much of what was in my way, through the Belief Re-patterning combined with my intuitive abilities, that I want to make it available to as many people as possible. Self care starts with the bravery to say I want more. I want to be happy. I deserve happiness and I'm willing to do something to help that happen.
I wish for you these things and more,
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