I'm going to encourage you to...

Be still, do nothing, accept stillness and say ahhhhhhhh. As I was preparing to write my blog for today I felt my inner whiner showing up. It didn't want to wax poetic or say something brilliant, it wanted to stare off into space or read someone else's brilliance. It wanted to take a nap or get a snack. Anything but what I was asking it to do.

So, I am going to allow it to do just that. I am going to ask that you allow yourself to listen to that voice inside you that encourages the same. To be easy with self. To have unscheduled time. To be present to the sights, sounds and experience of this life. To realize that this moment is NEVER coming around again and you can either choose to be in it or you can be thinking about what you will do later when you aren't present then either.

I figure if I listen to the part of me that is talking, we won't get to the whining stage, which is never attractive or supportive anyway, so I won't miss it in time. Whining is necessary from our system when we aren't listening to the inner voice that says, wouldn't it be nice to appreciate the home you have, rather than always be tied up tight making it clean and inviting? Wouldn't it be nice to sit with family and friends and really enjoy them?  I did this yesterday and you know what? The world kept spinning, clients were fine waiting to hear back from me and the laundry waited until today to be washed. Amazing, isn't it?

So, at some point this week, hopefully today, give yourself the gift of being wherever you are, put down the phone or computer, turn off any noise surrounding you and connect with the breath that is within. There is your life force energy, your center and the real being you came to be. Get to know that person. You will like them, I promise. Reset that relationship with you and as a result, those around you. Be in this world. Come on in, the water is so nice.

Hugging and accepting my human be-ing,


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