Year's end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us.- Hal Borland 

As you no doubt know by now, the world did not end but an energy did and for that I am very thankful. The tug of war that 2012 has been for most people is lessening and we are shifting into a much nicer way of being. For the majority of people that I see or communicate with in some way, have had it has been quite the year with a  huge amount of growth with some of it feeling like they were being squeezed through a knot hole backwards. My words, not theirs but I am sure there is a ripple of agreement out there.

I completely adhere to the belief that we all create our own lives and I keep this in mind on a daily basis, including when I am shaking my head at the wave of vibrations moving through that feel like a cattle prod at my backside. The universe is fantastic, vast and held together magnetically and we are some pretty attractive magnets to all of the fascets and whirlygigs that keep us moving forward.

The year of 2012 has been all about here's your lesson, would you like me to smush it in your face? I've had more epiphanies this year than the rest of my time here and I don't believe it is because I walk my talk. It is because the energy has a weird sense of humor and evidently likes me shaking my head and in the words of one of my bestest friends saying, well that was interesting. Of course in this instance interesting really means bleeped up. When things are this mixed up and seemingly in a one after another sequence, sometimes the only thing to do is throw up your hands and surrender.

This is what I did this year. I surrendered to wherever I was meant to be, however I was meant to get there and in whatever shape I arrived. Some of the months it wasn't pretty and I showed up dog tired with very little pep and other months I was invigorated by the potential of my path. That path could simply be the laundry got caught up and I had time to read a novel! You know what happened when I did this? Life got easier. It has less stress and it totally removed that what if I make a mistake thinking. So what? What if I did? At least I tried. One of the quotes I love is by Michael Jordan; "I can accept failure, everyone fails at something but I can't accept not trying."

What if this year you give yourself permission to try something new, something that scares you, something that you feel you have no talent for? What if? Think of the possibilities? It makes me giddy. You know what else makes me giddy? Miniatures, I love them, but other than that? This YEAR MAKES ME GIDDY! The energy of 2013 is exciting and has glitter. Ok, maybe that is an exageration... you have to bring your own glitter. However, 2013 is set to be the year each of lands on our own stage. The size of the stage will be determined by your desires and your clarity in your life but I promise, we all have a stage. Perhaps yours is in dating again after a break, expanding your business, or finding a way to find your own voice. It doesn't matter what the offering is, just that you are willing to come out from behind the curtains in your own life and stand in your light. Are you ready to do that? Are you willing to do that? I thought you were!

Now, should you need time to decide how to approach the stage, that is fine, take it, be sure, feel confident but don't hide. If you try to hide from you, you will find yourself because you go wherever you go. Did you follow that? If you find yourself pulling back who you are, stop and take some time to ask why you want to hide. It may be old behaviors or old belief systems that didn't get kicked out previously. That is ok, really it is. We are the accumulation of our experiences and the more we lighten up about where we have been and get curious about where we are going, the better life gets!

At year end a lot of people get caught up in the making resolutions and "I'm going to change this or that aspect of myself" game. If only they realized it was possible every moment of every day to shift their experience...imagine the fun!

So, how about it? How about this year? How about realizing every day is an opportunity to grow, to shift, to have fun, to learn, to love, to walk, to run, to breathe, to sing, to hug, to giggle, to shimmer and to accept that you are amazing and yes, the only you so why wouldn't you shine?

Step out on that stage and take the applause, you deserve it. :)

I want to thank each person that has been in my path, and who are yet to be. I am more of who I came here to be because of the interaction and beyond filled with gratitude for this last year of IMMENSE growth and self acceptance. You were part of it whether you know it or not and I appreciate you. So, till we meet for the first time, or again, have a fantastic New Year and a celebration of you!

I have attached an end of the year and beginning of a year process that can help to move energy along. It works well for a full moon process too so it's PERFECT for this year as we have a full moon and a year end!

Viewing life with a BIG stage in mind,

Full Moon Practice or End of Year Procedure

The full moon is a wonderful time for manifesting even though it is typically thought of as a releasing time. It is in fact that, but it is only through releasing that you can bring in, so what better time than the full moon to take advantage of this!
Spend a few moments of time and write down anything that you would like to release. This can be behavioral, emotional, physical, or even situations that you would like to release. You can do this in list form or you can journal out. However it comes to you is how it is meant to be.
Cleanse your sacred area with an opening prayer, a sage smudging, and/or by burning some incense. Invite your guides, angels, masters, or teachers to be at your side throughout the ceremony. If you do not have these items, no worries, just surround all with white light and take some nice deep breaths.
Light one or more candles. Look to the skies. Breathe in the night air. If you live in an area where you cannot light things, again, go with the white light, but try to be outside.
One by one, read out loud the words you have written on your slip of paper. Set your intention to release the item/addiction/attitude from your life. Set it to fire and place it in the fire proof container. If you have a campsite barbecue or bonfire going that's perfect, just toss the slips of paper into the fire one by one. If you are doing this ritual with a group of others take turns reading your words. If these things are too personal to read out loud, read them silently to yourself. Just remember...our words have power. Saying - "Be Gone" audibly and loudly can be very freeing. This ritual can be very emotional while it is cleansing, but most important it is great to remember to have some fun!
Thank the spirits. Be safe. Put out the fire. If you have, due to necessity, done this ritual in your home, please remember to take the ashes out and scatter them to the four winds. This will carry the energy and allow the releasing to happen. Besides, it is a lot of fun to watch it go and know you did something to take care of you! 

THE NEW MOON and Beginning of Year Procedure
The New Moon and New Year is a great time to affirm what you want to bring into your life and your path. As the phase of the moon shifts it allows us an opportunity to focus on our own shifts.
This moon encourages us to dream, to use our intuition and to create out of the greatest possibility. Does it get any better? So, I intend for you a month of manifestations that bring all that you feel is in your highest interest. I encourage you to keep in mind to be mindful of what you ask for as you may just get it. Luckily, the stages and shifting of energy continue so we get to do it ten more times this year!
You can't do anything wrong with the process below so have fun and dream well. 
You may want to print this out, just a thought.
1) write out a list, (write it out so it has your energy attached) of all those things that you would like to be done with. This can be literal such as clutter in the home, a person in your life, weight, sadness, whatever you would like to not have in your life anymore, write it down.
2) take this list and wrap it with a red ribbon, yes yarn will work too, any shade of red. Put it aside.
3) now, take a deep breath and center back in and write all those things or experiences that you would like to bring into your life, such as financial abundance, love, travel, fun etc. Whatever makes your heart sing and roll that up and wrap it with a red ribbon.(red ribbon is not necessary but does amp it up.)
4) Starting three days before and three days after will be the strongest energy, you will take these lists outside, to keep the energy out of your house and to send into the universe, and starting with the one where you let go, burn it, being safe to catch the ashes in a fireproof object. When it completely burns out and there are no embers, blow the ashes out into the universe wishing them well and feeling lighter because you have released all that stuff you have been carrying.
5) Now, take the other list, the one you are wanting to bring to you and burn that as well. You are following up with positive energy and a statement to the universe that you trust. Even if you feel this is silly, it will still work so no worries. Repeat the part about blowing it out into the universe and then take a moment to "see " your life as it will be.
6) Remember to say thank you before going back inside, to the universe but also to yourself for participating in your own journey.
Kids love this ceremony, yup probably because they get to burn things, but also because it makes sense to their energy so have them do the above mentioned process as well. Just be sure to respect their privacy and allow them to write whatever they would like. Teaching them it is ok to ask is a great thing too!
Be safe in your burning and let the manifesting begin!

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." Carl Bard 

I am sure by now that you are aware that there is some speculation that the world is ending tomorrow. I can't count how many times I have been asked this question in the last few years and really, I am very happy that this date will pass and we can move on to other topics. I would like to point out that it is already Friday the 21st in twelve other places as I write this, so therefore, if the world is ending on the 21st, I missed it because I seem to be sitting right here composing this blog.

This situation like any other in our lives is one of choice. Will you feed into the hype and the marketing of this fear or will you remember New Years Eve 1999 with fond memories and an awareness that yup....we are still here even though it was ending then as well?

I have noticed so many people live beyond where they are. They are living in the supposed future so much that they can't even tell you what they had for lunch or who they spoke to that day because they were not present. This is a habit we get into I believe, and the nice thing about habits is they can be shifted or changed as one grows.

I am certain the world is not ending as a whole but I do know that the energy is shifting at such a degree it is can feel like an ending. We are completing a long process of using force and mental capabilities as well as conviction and entering a time of allowing, conscious thought and intention. This shift is one that I am so grateful to be experiencing and while it has been happening for quite some time, the push is indeed this weekend.

I have felt very strongly that there is a sort of entry point, think of it as a train tunnel, and this entry point is where we are to pass through into the supportive, kind, loving way of being. Those that have been aware the other way of living does not work for them will have a fairly uneventful shift. Those that are afraid or simply unwilling to shift to this place will, in my humble opinion, experience the proverbial cosmic two by fours. These can be an experience as mundane as a flat tire right up to the crossing of themselves physically. Of course, once they cross they will be in a place of acceptance and the tug of war they felt here physically will be no more so it will be similar to being here in the energy anyway, but I digress.

Bottom line? How do you want to experience your journey in this new, exciting, so vibrationally jazzed energy? Do you want to go kicking and screaming through it or do you want to glide through with a sense of connection and appreciation for YOU and your journey? Guess which one I am choosing?

I would suggest that you use this weekend, the solstice, the new beginning, the planet alignment and Hayley Terris birthday (shout out! woot!), to surrender your ideas of fighting, struggle, conflict and strife to allow in the beauty of the gift we are being given. In this time of holidays, it would be an opportune time to remind self of just how wonderful this universe is and how grateful we can be just to experience the gifts it offers.

The shift that is happening is going to allow things to manifest VERY quickly so please be aware of the energy you are offering and decide consciously to be in a feeling of flow and allowing. The manifestations will meet you where you are energetically so if you aren't offering the highest of self there will be evidence of this very shortly. The good news there is you always have the opportunity to shift and to offer up a higher vibration.

Whether you see this as an ending or a beginning, it really doesn't matter because there is an eternal loop that happens and each ending is a beginning and each beginning is part of the ending before it. Focus on where you are and how you would like to experience this journey you are on and you will find that you start to really enjoy those transitions. You can start from where you are right this moment. ah ah ah, stop looking backward, start from right where you are now..and now....and now...get the picture?

I am so grateful to have you as part of my journey and all the lessons and amazing opportunities I have had with everyone, whether we have met in person or not we are part of a whole. Each individual has the amazing ability to decide how they are going to feel and I am feeling very grateful.

Take this day to assess how you are feeling, how you would like to feel and then how you will arrive at that feeling. You can make small steps, no giants required here, just make some movement so you will be with me along this ride! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee  Hands up!

I will see you all on the other side....of December 21st. :)

Viewing life from the aerial perspective,

“There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a person being themselves. Imagine going through your day being un-apologetically you.” 
― Steve Maraboli

 Can you imagine that? Can you feel how it would be to go through a day and just be you? The freedom to feel whatever you want, when you want and be able to articulately express it in a way that brings awareness and completion to self. Of course, we all have this right but is the ability there?

I have found in my work that most of the time people do not even realize that have this right never mind having been taught to show up as themselves and no one else. Not the person your parents wanted you to be or your first partner or the boss who signs your paycheck, but just you. My belief is that if we don't start doing this for ourselves we will be missing out on one of the greatest parts of being

Unless we learn to listen to self and be willing to be brave enough to step out on the stage of our own lives we will continuously be shortchanging ourselves. I am not saying rent a billboard and tell everyone how fantastic you are, although if you want to, go for it, I am saying simply holding that energy of "I'm good and whatever is going on around me does not define me nor does it have to short circuit me unless I choose to allow it to."

The theory that the world is ending brings that BEST time to shift how you have been living. I mean think about it, if it was ending wouldn't you want to be authentic in your last couple of weeks, days, minutes? I know I would but I also know it isn't ending and even when we croak, it's not ending so therefore my focus is a bit different, but I digress. If your physical life in this time was coming to the transition place, wouldn't you want the opportunity to look at it and see where you could be in alignment more or get there?

Well, we have that opportunity every day it's just most of us don't take it because no one is putting our feet to the fire and we are great procrastinators. I have been using the whole December 2012 energy to ask myself if how I am living is how I want to be living. Is who I am who I want to be? How can I bring more light and joy and clearing to myself, my body and my soul so that when I do croak I can have that all important meeting with myself and say "ya know what kid, ya did ok."

I am going to challenge you to do the same and not because I feel my way is the only way but because I KNOW how good it feels to be authentic and to be able to be who you are without apologies to anyone, especially yourself and I want you to feel that good too. No, it isn't a constant state of blissed out I love ya man, but it is pretty darn good to be in it the majority of the time and to know that when I am not, it is possible but also my responsibility to raise the vibration.

So, where is your life are you not being authentic? Where are you going through the motions and not living to your true nature, whatever that might be? You don't have to change all of it at once, choose one area and shift that and then allow another and shift that. If you need help, you know where to find me.

Use the humans tendency for drama and each time you hear something about December 21st, 2012, stop, breathe and ask yourself if you are in alignment with self and if you get a no, ask gently how you could help you get there. Yes, it feels a bit weird at first but once you get used to checking in with you, you won't be able to go back to the old way of hiding, or lying to self. It just won't feel right any longer.

For all the obligations of the holiday season remember to check in and see if you really want to participate because if you can't go authentically, then you shouldn't go at all.

Viewing life from a place of gloriousity today,

"There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them." Denis Waitley

This quote showed up on my desk today and while I love words, rarely does a quote stand out so much that I feel compelled to share it. Some of you may be familiar with the is quote but I was not, yet it sums up my beliefs in one short sentence....either accept what is going on or do something about it.

It may come as a surprise to some but I have very little patience for those that want to stay in their story and repeat patterns over and over again. I have HUGE compassion for their process and the angst that can be created, but patience, yeah, that I could use some help with cultivating. It is in fact, one of the aspects that I find least attractive about me. I'm ok with the fact that it is there but I am also encouraged to shift it so as not to be known as the coach who uses a line like Dr. Phil, "how's that working for you?" too often. I love that line but I do feel there is a middle ground of approach that can be more beneficial and loving.

This last year has taught me the amazing power of patience as well as self observation. I have had more a ha moments in the last three months than in YEARS of knowing me. To tell the truth, I could use a break but I'm nosey so I have no doubt I will keep watching for those times when a raise in my own vibration would not only help me, but the situation I am in.

Have you noticed that this year has been very much a "here's your stuff, right in your face, do you see it? good, are you going to acknowledge it or do I have to get louder" year? Not exactly something to put on a calendar and be inspirational but true nonetheless. So, if the energy is helping us to see our stuff, I think it is our responsibility to do something about it.

Now, this stuff could be good stuff too. Maybe you have learned a new skill, developed some self esteem or boundaries. Perhaps you have decided to make changes in your life you have been thinking about for a long time but didn't implement. Stuff can be neutral, neither good or bad but simply stuff. How we look at it determines whether it is what we want to hang on to or let go and after we look at it whether we get busy or not determines whether we are ready to accept responsibility.

Responsibility in my opinion is not blame. It is simply the act of saying, well yes, I did have something to do with that as it showed up in my life and now that I acknowledge it, I can shift it if necessary.

In my book I talk about how to watch our lives like a movie to get perspective because let's be honest, if you keep the emotion in it, the ability to see your part may be a little tricky. So, try this the next time there is a situation in your life that seems to be gathering some drama speed, step back, watch the scene unfold and then respond, do not react to what is going on. Take responsibility for your emotions as well as your actions first and then decide if you even want to engage. Walking away is a perfect response sometimes. In walking away you take a responsible action to not further whatever wasn't going well and help to diffuse any tension.

Then you can decide if there is any action to take.

So, where in your life are you not taking responsibility? Where are you waiting for someone else to fix things, or for something to blow over, or for it to change on its own like little fairies are going to come in and say a magic spell and poof everything will be good? (ok, that might be a bit of an exaggeration but I KNOW you know people who are living passive like that. Are you one of them?)

Once you have identified that one place, make one small step to move forward. Is it your finances? Contact someone who can help. Is it your relationship? Perhaps seek counseling for both of you or for yourself first. Is it your closet? Well, then take fifteen minutes and hang those clothes up. You can do anything for fifteen minutes. I promise you.

Once you have taken a step and accept that movement is what you want take your right hand and reach over your left shoulder and pat yourself on the back. Acknowledgement is fantastic too!

If you aren't willing to accept responsibility then I have one question for you? Insert Dr.Phil's voice "how's that working for you?". If you need help in seeing or accepting, I am here with all the compassion in the world, just don't expect to be allowed to sit in your story for that isn't a loving way to interact and I am so sure you have the ability to grow that I won't join you in your story but I'll be here if you want to write a whole new chapter and include some fantastic acceptance and responsibility to it. It's fun, I promise you.

While this year was in your face year, next year is lining up to be about, what do you want to do with your new found might want to get looking for you.

I wish you well on the journey,

So what does happen if there is no knot at the end of your rope? What if when you get there it is slippery, your hands (or paws) won't hang on and you find yourself falling, falling, falling?

Have you experienced this? I bet you have. I bet we all have because life is full of moments that are potentially freaking scary and falling, falling, falling, is scary...until you realize that wait a minute, I always bounce. I always get up, find my way, claw back up to the top of the rope where hopefully there is a platform to stand and catch my breathe and maybe contemplate what the heck just happened and how can we NOT do THAT again?

Many times it isn't the circumstance that is happening but rather how you handle it that determines how well you live and how bounceable you really are.

This past  year I have had the opportunity to learn this through my husband's illness. While we navigated the health care system as well as the mine field of emotions that happen with any unknown, I've learned that even though it created some diversion of what we considered our path, it has also given roads that we may not have gotten to so fast. For instance, would I have realized that asking for help is not weakness on my part but rather as much fun for others to help as it is for me? Would we have deepened a relationship that works well or would we have stagnated like lots of couples who have been together for over twenty years?

Learning to be bounceable (admit it, you just had a vision of a me bouncing) also known as trusting is where I learned I had a knot that I just couldn't see. I learned that all the other smaller trials and diversions helped me trust that whatever the outcome we would be ok. I would be able to move forward and look for the next side road that shows up. Sure, it was incredibly scary and tear producing but even that helped me to accept that sometimes things are just hard and that's ok. That knot will always be moving and may be invisible at other times but the knowing that I have it will be the strength that helps me hang on to that rope or cliff or side of the building.

So trust in myself and the universe eventually lead me to the knowing that whatever road we were on, I would eventually find my direction again and my endurance. What is your rope? Is it your faith? Your belief in the universe? Your commitment to working out? Your track record of thriving through some tough times or are  you just developing it now and could use some help in tying your knot.

Ask yourself how you have made it through and eventually learned from past experiences. Also think of when you have seen others hold it together, or not, but move through trying experiences and advance themselves both emotionally and spiritually. What did they do that may inspire you to try?

However you find the knot, create a reminder that you have it. Place a sticker on your odometer, a reminder on your phone, a bracelet or something that says, hey, you have created a safe spot, why don't you use it?

Viewing the journey from ALL the roads offered,


Vicki's website

This morning while I was considering what to write I kept hearing this toot toot behind me. It was very playful and it sounded somewhat like a kids toy. I asked what was that about and felt it was to encourage myself to toot my own horn but not just mine, yours too! While it isn't my job to toot someone else's horn, I am quite good at it. As with most people I imagine, it is easier to talk of someone else's skills, abilities and what they have to offer than my own.

When I am talking of someone else's accomplishments both of the physical and spiritual I am quite prolific. Ask me to talk of mine and I will downplay it and act like it's nothing of what I have accomplished. Some of this comes from feeling like it really hasn't been that hard but when I look and really pay attention to where I was and where I am and where I am going, I have a strong urge to go Whooaaaaaa (shout out to Lisa Ketcham who does the best whoa in the world!).  So I wondered, if I am willing to acknowledge it to self and can be reasonably comfortable stating it to others why can't I toot my own horn, which by the way would be one that goes ahuuuuggggaaa, cause it makes me giggle.

Some of it comes from my upbringing. I will always maintain that my parents did the best they could with what they had because the blame game doesn't work in my world but that doesn't mean I can't look at it and be in awe of the progress I have made from that upbringing. In my world it was encouraged to read well, speak well, do for others but not act smart. It wasn't until recently that I realized that is one of what I would call a whiplash message. It spins your head from left to right so fast it gives you a sore neck. Now, I take responsibility for believing that being smart would bother other people but I can also acknowledge that that belief is just not based in truth.

So often what holds us back is stuck in those beliefs and we may not even be aware of what they are or where they come from. Or if we are, maybe we don't want to look at it for fear it's bigger than we think. It doesn't really matter because the solution is the same; being willing to look and being willing to toot!

What beliefs are you hanging on to that you could release so you can root a toot toot with me? What voice do you hear in your head that isn't yours? What messages did you receive that just don't serve you any longer? It is ok to drop them and to allow the new messages to flow in. It really is and if you need help with this, feel free to call. It's amazing to feel like you are in your own skin and that you have choice with life and I, for one, am going to not only toot that I am going to sing it from the rafters! I am going to be the example of a smart person who looks for that next belief that can help her excel and love her life.

So, to get you started, try a few of these statements:
  • I am _______________
  • I love ______________
  • I giggle when _________
  • I want to _____________
See what comes up when you use these open ended statements. If nothing is there, that is ok, leave it for later and let it germinate in your being.

My answers would be, at least for today,
  • I am loving, funny, smart, charismatic, thoughtful, curious, industrious and enlightened.
  • I love the potential in life and in a person.
  • I giggle when I have a great one liner that is slightly ironic and hits the point.
  • I want to help people feel fantastic to their soul so that they will toot toot toot along with me in the band of life.
It's not that hard and can lift your vibration significantly if you allow it to.

Your challenge for today...... tell someone else what is great about you. One thing, you can do it!

Viewing and tooting and generally enthused with life,

How do you know something before you know it?I heard myself ask this of a client last week and thought, hey that's a pretty good line. So often we put intense pressure on ourselves to KNOW what we don't even know yet. The pressure to perform, to be perfect, to be the knower of all information which just is not feasible. I am a true believer that everything is possible but to know everything would not only be a lot of pressure, it would be boring as there would be nothing else to learn, right?

When we are a child people applaud when we learn something new, like walking or finding our mouths with a cheerio. Something people have done for ages and yet we clap for it. Why don't we do this for adults or the older children we expect to have all the information simply because we already do, or do we?

Why don't we celebrate the fact that someone doesn't know but is willing to learn? It seems we have shifted from a place of comfort and excitement in being able to say, oh wow, I don't know but I can find out, to a place of fake it and hope no one sees that you don't know. This faking place not only takes you out of alignment with your soul that came here to learn, it feels awful, mostly because it takes you out of alignment with your soul. Cycles are fun aren't they?

So today when you don't know something, I am going to suggest you say, I don't know but am excited to figure it out. I am also going to ask that you celebrate yourself for being willing to say you don't have all the answers AND for seeking them. Then perhaps you will know something you didn't know before you knew it and feel empowered by the process. There may not be a lot of people surrounding you applauding that you did it, but I promise you, you will know you did and that is more important than what anyone else thinks anyway.

Viewing life as a continuous learning experience,

Vicki's website
It is a gorgeous day here in the Berkshires and an abundance of green, sunshine and cool crisp air can be found. There is something about the combination that makes one feel so alive. I am very grateful for not only the opportunity to experience it but the awareness to take the time to appreciate it. This has been a challenge for me for the last few weeks, awareness. I have been both hyper aware and mind numbing unaware. (ok, that second part may be to too many hours viewing House Hunters International but the data is still out on that. )

I had mentioned in my last blog that the energy is a doozie right now and we were in the middle of something amazing and ridiculously challenging at the same time. I  stand by that description today. WOW has it been a challenge to not overreact or to bite someone's head off or to say, GIVE ME SOME SPACE! How about you? Are you feeling the compression of the energy yet? Appropriate that we are going into Labor Day here in the States because I feel like my head is being squeezed through the birth canal again. Luckily, I don't remember the first time and I was happy about that. I am not impressed. I am however completely stoked (can you say that if you aren't a surfer or a pot head? Does anyone even say it anymore? Well, I'm going to. ) about the ushering in energy.

I vacilate between this is so great that I can feel what is coming and man, I'd like to be oblivious for a bit so the pressure cooker will turn down. I'm nosy though, so I would probably always pick the prior. There is no doubt that we are moving to a higher frequency and what that means is both our soul selves and our physical selves need to adjust. If you are finding you are more tired or lack inspiration to do what you would normally do in a day, give yourself some space and compassion and perhaps rest and take care of you for now. If you find you are using the energy as an excuse though, reevaluate why you don't want to do something. Perhaps there is an emotional or a very logical reason you just don't want to do whatever it is.

As I have stated before, I believe there to be a BIG breathe of fresh air, universal, not Berkshire fresh air, September 4th. There is a feeling of great relief at that time and I am using it as a beacon for my sanity. I am asking each day "what can I learn from this" so that the turmoil, one doesn't have a say over me and two, will be put to good use.

Along with this energy is a great deal of sadness. I do believe that it is the purging that we go through as individuals as well as universal collective energy. Hey, we asked for it so it is being delivered. I know there is a supposed Blue Moon and I say supposed because there is so much disagreement in the astrological world about whether it is or not. I say who cares if it is a Blue Moon, a green moon or a moon made of cheese, we have another full moon, just like we do every four weeks or so, to use for our advantage here. The full moon is fantastic for releasing and letting go of what no longer serves us. So, did the moon cycle come first, absolutely, did the energy that is present add to the full moon effect, yup, can we use it our benefit. You betcha baby!

What do you want to release? What is no longer serving you? What would you like to have in your life? Use this cosmic 2x4 energy to help you find that. Write up a list of what you would like to release and then burn it outside to release it to the universe. If you can't burn, a good shredder will do the trick but be sure to take the papers outside to the trash so that the same principle is applied in releasing.

Along with the ushering out of old behaviors, there has been a huge amount of people passing lately. I recognize that it is the nature of my business that I encounter the emotion of loss on a daily basis but there is more of a frequency of souls transitioning lately. You will notice I do not use the word die. We don't die, we transition to another form. Life goes on not only for us but for those that have transitioned. I have seen time and time again where the one who has passed is comforting those of us here in the physical by acknowledging how awesome the process is. Let's face it people, we are all going to transition. The sooner we find a place within us of the gorgeous nature of that, the more fun the physical plane will be.

I know everyone is on their own path and they will come to that place in their own time and it may take passing to get there, but they will and for that I am sure as well as grateful.

Many of the souls crossing are doing so simply because their journey has completed. They have learned whatever they were here to learn and they are releasing themselves to the other side. Not to cease to exist but to learn in a different energy.

There are others that are choosing to up their exit date because they are not all too sure they want to go through the next wave of energy that is coming. Most of the time these souls had a hard time being on the Earth plane to begin with and have had challenges with addictions or mental health issues or plane ole don't feel like I belong energy. Some of these will be at their own hand and some will be at a divine intersection from anothers. There are no accidents and there is choice in everything so let's honor those that felt they were complete or were just so sure they didn't want to do this any longer (suicide, overdose,deliberately putting themselves in harms way) and remember them for their lives and thank them for being a part of yours.

There is also a group of souls that are leaving that will help us to the next level of learning or expansion and as a soul felt they could assist better from the other side. I saw this right before September 11, 2001 as well. So many are leaving here in order to be able to assist in a higher manner.

My point is that each and every passing is by choice and while that is challenging to believe from a human point of view, I hope it brings some comfort to those that are grieving the supposed loss of their friend, lover, parent, child, pet, local hero, sibling, etc. They aren't lost, they are still present and they are still able to communicate. It may take processing through your own grief to be able to feel that but I promise you they are there.

So, while this weekend may be bumpy energetically, why not find the time and space to be with those you love and spend some quality time with them and allow yourself to learn how to LIVE in every aspect of the word. Allow yourself to feel and allow yourself to become clear about what is in YOUR highest interest.

I believe in the strength of all souls whether enjoying their physical life or their non physical life and I believe in the love that is there at all times to be felt. Allow that love to comfort you and allow whatever feelings come up, not just in the next few days, but for your entire journey. I promise you, you will be glad you did. When your energy or your behavior wants to go to complaining or pointing out someone else's faults, take the time to look at yourself and perhaps learn to let go of whatever that anger is and allow the love to come in. Remember, where you put your attention is what you get in return. A little awareness goes a long way.

I do wish you well on your journey here in the physical and to those amazing souls reading this from the other side, I thank you for your teachings for I know it is because of them that I trust this whole process of transition and trust the vice grip will release itself soon.

Choosing to view from the heart,

 Vicki Baird website
Well, how is life going for you? I have found this last month to be an absolute roller coaster of energy, emotions and everything button finding and pushing! Amazing, it has truly been amazing.

I decided a few years ago to not publicize too often the energy that was present and upcoming as some people can't balance the knowledge with allowing. They often want to jump on the drama of it and in turn, creates more and more of the negative wavelengths. I have stuck to this as I didn't want to promote a reason (even though that was not what I was saying) for people to audition for their Oscar performance.

It became very apparent to me this week that I was allowing a few reactions to overrule the positive effect it can have. Sometimes I have a slow return rate but I always get the point eventually!

So this is what I am seeing and feeling in the energy. HOLY SHITTAKE MUSHROOMS as my daughter would say. It is moving so fast that I feel like I am in the white water rapids competition in the Olympics and I didn't even go to the qualifying round or training! While I feel this is all leading to a fantastic awareness of self as well as the how I connect and communicate with others, I am not sure at times I have the fortitude to hang on to the oh shi*t handle on the tube to make it through to the finish line....which keeps stinking moving!

So, if you are feeling like you are on some kind of fast forward button and are having a hard time hanging on to your handle, well, hang on because much like the bucking bronco ride in the honkytonks (isn't that a great word?), the energy will require you to throw that arm up and just move with the motion of the ride and hopefully, laugh like a fool while you are doing it.

The reason for this isn't very just is. We are ready collectively to experience the next level of energy evolution and believe it or not, have been asking for this. We are asking ourselves and others to be more compassionate, we are asking ourselves to connect our soul to our human self in a cognitive and inclusive way and we are now trusting that we can carry out this mission.

Over time we have had some  huge openings and it hasn't been talked about or advertised but we made it through so just imagine if you had a heads up and were able to approach this next one with some reminders to breathe and to trust that if our soul has traveled this far, it will be able to lead us further with some ease and acceptance of self and others.

When will this happen, well, it is already in motion but the culmination feels like it will happen around September 3rd of this year 2012. I find it very appropriate that in the United States we will be celebrating Labor Day as the energy feels like I am going through the birthing process again only remembering it this time. I'm not a fan but I am tenacious and I am nosy and I know you are as well so we will get through this and breathe well after the 5th and well, then it will start up again in November but hey, at least we will have a month or so between sessions.

What can you do to help yourself through this? You can remember to take time to yourself, to be kind to you and to be excited about every challenge which presents itself,  because I promise you, if you are experiencing difficulties they are there to help you clear them before this opening so on the other side of it, the messages aren't big enough to be cosmic 2x4's upside the head!

Another way to help yourself is to say this too shall pass for it will and things will calm and then we will assimilate the new energy and then it will kick up and then it will calm and then we will you see a pattern here? yup, the same one that has always been there it is just more intense now. Maybe it is because we go so fast ourselves we are adding kinetic energy to the process or maybe it is so we can vibrationally expand and use more of our abilities or maybe it is just the process of life that when we accept that there will be changes and things will go on and on and on. Then we will relax in whatever the energy is...which is really full circle to this post because if you just relax and ride with flexibility, your experience will be fast but it doesn't have to be frenetic.

So, what will you do to get some practices in place before that first weekend in September so when the energy is challenging you, you see it is as a personal request from self to be more than you were and to be proud of yourself?

I am going to keep with the promise I made to myself to walk and bike and breathe and visit with self. This became a necessity when I first started feeling this wave come in as I felt I was going to explode and was so overwhelmed with life where normally I see everything as an adventure. So perhaps you can borrow some of these too or will find your own but whatever happens, I am going to ask you to hold the energy that this is a FANTASTIC thing and that you will be with me in the excitement of the changes happening, rather than add to the fear.

I trust you will be there when I am careening down those rapids or challenging that dang bull for a redo because the view from here is spectacular!!!!!!!!!!!

Change really is a good thing. It doesn't always feel that way when you are right in the middle of it but one of the gifts of life is that there is always change. The secret is getting good with it and realizing if it is always going to be there, it may be in your best interest to embrace it.

Now, you can embrace it with the wimpy hug some people give, you can go in with gusto and squeeze the stuffing out of it, or you can greet it like a dear friend, a good squeeze with an honest to goodness happy to see you feel.

I choose the last one for the most part. I feel that if nothing is stagnant then I better be good at going with the flow and recognizing what is in front of me so I can use it to my best interest. I have learned over the years that if I go in wimpy, I freak myself out. I will over analyze, I will be in my head way too much and I will inevitably create an outcome that I really don't want. It is best to see it as an opportunity to grow and to assess where it is I still require some patience.

Recently, I decided if my business was going to grow in the direction I would like it to, I had to start making some decisions and changing how I do business. Basically, it had to grow up. It had to become a business with an intention of moving forward and it needed me to be decisive and not so go with the flow. So there is constantly tweaking in this change process I am realizing for myself.

I also had to stop worrying about how others would be when my business changes and instead be the example of that loving change with grace and humor. My current task is in hiring an assistant. Someone who could be independent in their thinking but get that when I say there is a deadline on something, I'm not kidding and I'm probably not going to hug you when it isn't met. Someone who loved what they do as much as I love what I do and would be willing to grow as my business grows. People say they want to but a lot of the time that is a platitude they are offering because they think that is what I want to hear rather than what they really want.

So, this time the change is being methodical, business oriented and clear about what I am expecting and not being willing to settle because the person is a good soul and just needs a chance. This has been my pattern in the past and it doesn't work, does it? Have you ever giving someone a job, or hung out with them or kept them in your circle because they were a good person but you didn't really align with them? I realized how condescending that was the other day. Like I was the only one that could help them? Please. They have to help themselves and want to and no amount of me wanting them to is going to get anyone anywhere.....and often the job didn't get completed so there was the universe with my cosmic 2x4 telling me, Vicki, seriously, do you want someone to do a job or do you want to offer a safe haven. Ummmmm, option number one please!

I bring this up because often our change involves others around us and the tendency is to hold back on our expectations for desires for a fantastic life while we wait for others to join us. This waiting can lead to frustration, resentment or a really nasty attitude and then who wants to hang with a person like that..except others that know you are really a good soul and they are waiting for you to show up....what a cycle we get into.

I know the person I end up working with will be a good soul, because we all are inherently, but I also know that because I looked at an old pattern and decided to change it that we will match well and not only be productive, but FUN!

Where is there a place in your life that requires some change? What could use a little cleaning up, changing up, fluffing up to where you feel like you have seen change, met change and been excited about it? If you feel some resistance to change chances are you have already grown past it and just don't want to admit it. We have a class this weekend that would help with that...if you are ready for some change.

Take one small step today to address the area you feel could use some change and then celebrate yourself for taking action. It really will feel good to do something about it instead of sitting in the what ifs of it all. THEN you can start creating the life you really want to have.

So, as I sit on my couch typing this is occurs to me I will want to have something written up as I meet with all of the applicants to remind me that I've changed....and it is for the better. :)

Viewing life with new eyes and intention,
s many of you may know, I can be a bit sensitive. I am very proud of that fact and even strive on a daily basis to expand on that sensitivity, not just for the sake of my business but also for my own soul's growth. While this wiring can be challenging at times, for the most part it is an absolute delight and hey, I am never bored!

I bring this up because what I have noticed over the last few days is a desire to whine about how sensitive I am. whaaaaaaaa. Ok, got that out of my system. I figured if the energy of the last few days is throwing me, I'd be willing to bet there is a whole gaggle (great word) of people out there who are experiencing the same.

So, over the last week or so there has been an increase in vibration in the universe that is having my head spin and my husband saying that I concern him. Why do I concern him, well, the simple tasks have not been so simple lately. Normally a very independent person and I feel quite intelligent, I couldn't figure out how to use the new smoothie machine I bought. Now, we aren't talking about a machine that would be in a smoothie store where hi tech explanation would be necessary. We are talking about a glass, a mini blender and only three parts. Now it is very funny, then, not so much. I could have chocked it up to being tired...I had already gotten up and gone for my morning walk. I could have chocked it up to stress....there is tons but I don't give it drama energy. I could have chocked it up to a moment where all cylinders were not firing....and boy have there been times of that. But, what I realized as I was giving Howard the deer in the headlight look is that my vibration was going higher and I couldn't figure out how to be on Earth and do that kind of stuff and allow it to go wherever it needed to.

Luckly, my wonderful husband gets this and just calmly takes whatever I am struggling with and shows me how to put it together. Probably while assessing me for a stroke, but he doesn't mention this part...out loud.

So, if you are feeling a bit spacy lately and you are not quite sure what has stolen your brain and when it will return...relax. It will only be a bit longer. There are, I am sure, many reasons for the shifting and someone with an astrology or physics back ground could explain it in their way but in my way it is all about how are you feeling? Be willing to look at that and then ride with the not so smart moments and you will be great.

What is happening is your physical self and your non physical self are trying to assimilate and come into some kind of alignment so that the skills you have, like basic reasoning, can be used and not leave you staring at the ingredients for a smoothie and not be able to factor it out.

There has also been a great deal of sadness around with a lot of souls not knowing how to handle that either. Our emotions are so powerful, they are a good indicator of where we are and how much we are dealing with. While they are wonderful and I believe we wouldn't have them if we weren't meant to use them, often they are effected by the vibrational frequency in the collective universe. So, if you are feeling more lately and you are not sure what to do with it ask this all important question first, is it mine or is it someone else's? Very often it isn't even ours and that can lead to all kinds of misdirection and sadness that is carried but not effective in pointing out the direction that is best for us individually. If it comes back to you that the emotions aren't yours, well, wish whomever they belong to well and step back from the energy.

There have also been a lot of souls choosing to pass at this time. Now, the choice would have been made previous to them arriving here but now is when they are leaving. I know how hard it is to experience that passing of another soul,either human or pet family, but if we could honor that souls energy it would be easier on everyone and much more healing than focusing on the space that their physical body no longer inhabits. It is truly a gift to be able to cross, for the path of this lifetime is complete and that is reason to celebrate.

The reason I bring this up is to help you learn to discern where the sadness, emotion, energy, feeling, whatever you want to call it is coming from. We will continue to grow and raise the vibration of ourselves and this universe, as well as all others, and it is an exciting prospect and one that with a little awareness we can learn to celebrate as well as navigate.

So, if you find yourself exhausted and not really sure where it is coming from, it doesn't really matter, just listen. Just take the time to breathe, relax and allow whatever is passing through to pass. Like everything, the less you fight it, the faster it goes. Eventually it all settles into a feeling of expansion and least until the next time you are growing. Isn't this fun?

Remember you are a soul having a human experience so this growth goes on exponentially and that in itself is amazing. As are you and like any good recipe, the time you take to marinate only makes it better.

Viewing this life as a party in the making,

I thought it might be fun to give away a chapter from my book today, so here you go! This is chapter seven and from the section What to do with IT!

Don’t Name It; Claim it, or Blame It

This is one of my favorite sayings as it puts it so clearly what not to
do and sometimes we have to know what not to do in order to
fi gure out what to do. One of my favorite quotes from Esther Hicks and
Abraham is “often we know what we don’t want to help us figure out
what we do want.” It is simply brilliant in its simplicity and its message
that if you can’t figure out what you want, you most always know what
you don’t want. How do you know? Well, humans complain. It is an
innate talent that is one of our least great achievements as beings on
this planet. We would be hard pressed to find another creature that
will complain when something happens to their habitat. One that
wants to blame everyone for their misfortune or wants to talk about it
endlessly in an effort to name whatever the inconvenience was. We are
special aren’t we? No, really, we are but we could use that specialness
to enhance our life rather than take away from it I believe. Humans
are always saying how we are the more evolved species, isn’t it time we
show that by paying attention to those lesser species and learning how
to be with whatever is happening? (Yes, I am being facetious here, we
can learn A LOT from other species when we pay attention.)

The clearest indication to me when someone is caught in the name,
blame, claim game is the excuses that come out of a conversation. It
seems to be a group effort, no blaming without the excuse cousin. It
is nice that the excuses and nbc (name, blame, claim) get along, but
not very serving of our individual selves. Excuses are the brake pedal
in life. If inspiration and growth are the gas than why would you want
to drive with the gas and the brake on? It would create a great circular
pattern no doubt and perhaps you are familiar with this pattern but is
it serving you?

So can you ask yourself, where are you living with excuses? This
isn’t to point out where you may be procrastinating, this is to help
you understand where you aren’t being honest with yourself, which is
equivalent to the jake brake in trucks, you know that rattling sound
when they have to slow down fast? Yeah, that is your excuseometer. Is
it rattling, squeaking, grinding in any way? If it is, this is where you see
the mechanic to fix it.

What excuse do you hear yourself use the most? Mine is not enough
time. Now, I know that isn’t true as time is relative and while I am very
busy, I always find the time and meet my goals so there is a big ole hole
in my excuse than isn’t there? So, what is yours? I shared mine, go for
it, name it. (Yes, there is a trick in this chapter as we shift from brake
to gas but go with me here.)

Now that you have named it, breathe. Allow yourself to accept it so we
can move forward.

Ok, ready? Good, now ask yourself,

• What am I receiving from this excuse?
• How is it benefiting me? Following my example, not enough
time, or too busy, the benefi t I can receive is a feeling of self
pity, self promotion or even a reason to not do other things.
Sometimes it’s not pretty to look at your own stuff, but it
ALWAYS feels better afterwards.
• So, what are you receiving from the excuse? What is your
pay off?
• Now, what is the action you can take to move past the
excuse? Again using my excuse, because I believe a lot of
people use this same excuse, I decided when I heard myself
saying the excuse, or thinking it, I would do whatever it was
I was avoiding because that was the real issue, avoidance.

So, if I had a class to write but felt I was so busy I couldn’t
sit down and do it and the excuse popped up, I chose to sit,
write something and move through the need to have my self
pity fix met. Not pretty, I’ll grant you, but it works when
you are honest with yourself and fi nd a sense of humor
about how creative we beings are.

This is the part where you do not blame it. It really doesn’t matter what
the issue is or what the reason is it has been created. All that really
matters is what you are willing to do to be in a better place in your life
and most importantly, in your soul for the learning you do now will
carry forward.

What can you do right now to move through that excuse you gave
previously? Can you clean out one drawer if your excuse is you are
not organized enough? Can you go for a walk for fi ve minutes if your
excuse was you are too tired to exercise? Can you sit down and write
for fi fteen minutes if you have a paper due and you just don’t have the
inspiration to do it. Write spaghetti over and over again until you move
through whatever it is you are avoiding. It doesn’t matter what you write
as long as you are doing something to move forward. The same is true
of the organization or the exercise. It is also true if your excuse is you
just can’t afford to do anything, you can, you are just using an excuse
to stay stuck. There are a lot of free activities as well as ways to increase
income or decrease debt, some actually fun! Seems silly doesn’t it when
we put it that way, doesn’t it? Remember that old standby, honesty is the
best policy? This is especially true if we are talking about self.
So while you are being honest, give yourself the gift of no claiming. I
don’t feel it is a coincidence that claiming and complaining rhyme so
well. There is a distinct connection between the two. Once you start
complaining you have already claimed whatever it is you are giving
negative attention to. By virtue of giving your attention you have
claimed it. Now, we can’t edit every thought that comes into our mind
for that would make us nuts, but we can learn to focus on what fi lls us
up rather than depletes us.

For just a moment, think of something you complain about often.
Got it? Good now really feel what it feels like in your body when you
complain. What do you feel? Do you feel elated, pumped up, ready
to charge ahead? Do you feel crummy, depressed or lethargic? What
is your body telling you? Please listen because this is the fi rst step in
listening to yourself and rewiring the messages that have been playing
for many years leading you in the direction of drama and negativity.
If you feel pumped up, there is a good chance you thrive on the drama
of your excuses and the excitement you feel is being fed as a type of
addiction that will never serve you well for like a lot of addictions, you
will go back for more and more and more.

If you feel depressed or less than enthusiastic, it is depleting your system
and each time you participate in complaining, you are decreasing your
enjoyment of life over and over. If there were a magic pill for this,
everyone would need a prescription but there isn’t. It is magic when
you realize you have a say in how you feel and decide to make some
changes to feel better and develop habits that support your greatness. I
know you can do it.

When you feel you are sliding into naming, blaming or claiming, don’t
judge yourself, but redirect, move just a bit off the habit toward action.
We all know that actions come after our thoughts so if you can take the
time initially to shift those thoughts and rewire the automatic response
to one of positive action, your actions are going to flow nicely. In this
place you would be focusing on what is now and right in front of you
rather than what is not. So you would have shifted from the gas and
brake driving to the gas and occasionally using the brake when you
want to make a turn. Much like driving, the movements aren’t going
to be fast and jerky, they will be small, slow and constantly adjusting,
no jake brake needed!

I hope you enjoyed this post and if you would like to explore this further, I am leading a group this weekend on this very topic!If you'd like to purchase the book, you can contact the store at 413.499.2060 or order it from any of the popular online suppliers. Thanks!

From a room with a view,
Welcome to the blog Vicki's View. I tossed around the name over and over and realized I can only speak from my view and while it may not be an other's view, it is mine and I've put plenty of attention into being good with my view and while always open to a new vista, I'm good with where I am and what I know right now!

I hope you enjoy it and join me in enjoying the view, whatever and wherever yours is.

This posting comes at a time that is pretty significant to our country. Memorial day weekend has many meanings. For some it is a complete celebration of those who have served in the military or in any sort of conflict or war. For others it is an opportunity for a day off and still for others, it is a regular work day and may not have any significance other than that. What I would like to propose, and what is my view, is, it is all good. However you see it, it is good. If we honor that in others, there is a freedom that comes from more than what our country offers.

I am so grateful to be in this country, in this universe and in my world at this time. It is the freedom of all of the mover and shakers that allows me to even have a view and I am greatly appreciative of that. I also accept that I am responsible for any movement and happiness in my life and those movers and shakers have to be me! That is powerful.

If the freedom of having my own view and allowing others to have theirs is the vehicle, the power of being responsible for self is the gasoline, or electric charge, or vegetable oil, whatever is your fuel of choice.

If you've read my newsletters before you know that I often offer a challenge. The challenge today is to find your vehicle,  your  allowing others to have their own view, then add the fuel, the knowing that you are in charge of wherever you go with your own view, and then go for a ride. Try the new energy on and be excited about all the power it has and the ability to move that it provides because if you aren't willing to change your own view, you will be stuck and stuck rarely feels good.

On that note I have to pass along what I have learned from those who have crossed either in service or after having been in what we believe to be the service.....let it go. It being the grief surrounding their passing. There has never been an energy that has come through who has passed in the line of duty that has expressed anything but awe for where they are. When I ask them about their service they point me to what is going on today in our universe, what is applicable in this moment because you see, they have moved on from that physical experience and while may still be able to talk of it, they aren't holding the negative aspects of it, why are you? Be proud they served, most definitely. Be honored to have known them...without a doubt but please don't diminish their lives with your pain because I promise you, they are good!

The other thing they often point out is to honor those that are in service in other ways as well. Perhaps the person packing your groceries, perhaps the person working behind the scenes of all the manufacturing companies or farms or schools or medical establishments. Maybe it is the person who comes in at night to clean these places so they are shiny when everyone else arrives. Maybe it is the engineer who just can't get the feeling that something didn't line up on that blueprint and goes back again and again to figure out what the safety flaw may be. We may never know of all of the parts that make the whole, but being appreciative for the person is what matters and that is often what is relayed to me and to their loved ones in a reading.

I have learned so much from those who have crossed about living this life. It is meant to be fun, it is meant to be of service both to self and others and it is meant to be a path to acceptance of every person's path being individual. Every view having importance, especially to the person offering it and every choice an individual one and isn't that amazing?

This Memorial Day you will not see me at a parade, nor will I be at a picnic relishing in my day off...I will be mowing my lawn,reading a book, hopefully enjoying sunshine while saying my thanks to those who have served and their families who supported them while they served and honoring myself and my view that how I wish to spend my day is just great. I'm not saying there won't be marshmallows, because there might...I have to leave room to change my view at any time because that is what life is and that is just stinking fun!

Loving the view from here,

Vicki's website