So, is it really cloudy or is that your perception?

One of the things I appreciate most about myself is my perception on things. It may not always line up with how others see things but I've gotten used to that and have learned that it is really great to have different views of the same scene. Yesterday morning as I took Tank, the resident canine, for our Sunday hike, it was really cloudy out and a bit breezy. As we headed out to drive to the park I thought, well at least it will be cooler and better for him and myself as the heat has been impressive lately. 

When we got to the entrance to the trail another hiker commented on what a dismal day it was. I responded with really? I think it's fantastic that we have a variety of weather patterns. She wasn't impressed with my answer and took herself on to the car and off on her day. I remember thinking wow, at the end of the walk she is cranky, glad I wasn't here for the beginning. 

I went a bit further and we met up with a man and his dog who were quite happy and calm looking. He wanted to talk about all the bugs out and how some people don't pick up the bags of deposits dogs leave. I have to agree with him on this one, why bag it if you aren't going to dispose of it, but I digress. I decided after that interaction I had better shift my energy or it wasn't going to be a very pleasant walk. I decided to look around and take in the scenery. One of the reasons we hike there is the beautiful surroundings. 

I looked up into the canopy of the trees and started to see the trail as Tank does, exciting and full of great things to see and smell and I remember thinking, wow, you can't tell it's over cast out there. The trees would block the sun but they also blocked what was a cloudy sky. I found neutral land! I found a place in the world where regardless of the exterior, the interior had it's own view. 

If you've read my blogs before you know this is where my a-ha came in. I thought to myself that this is how you could see life too. Some will see the cloudy and dismal and complain even after a great walk in nature. Some would want to talk about all the annoying aspects of a walk and then there are the Vicki's of the world that will see an opportunity to be in an enchanted forest where I have a chance to appreciate an internal process in an external world. Amazing. 

I wonder if others are aware of the blessing of perception and are willing to see the gift that is available to all of us. The ability to see a place or situation we have seen before in a new way. The ability to see the new in any experience. This would work with people too. What if under the cover of the canopy of life, we could see the beauty that is visible if we shift our view? 

It is not only possible, it gets to be addicting. You start to look for the higher vibration and expect that things are going to go well. Sure it takes practice but doesn't everything? That is the fun part, being able to see results and feel free of the crankies. 

Try it today. See a surrounding, another person, or how about yourself, in a new, more accepting light. You can see the canopy of life as blocking sunshine or as offering a hug that encourages you to adjust your viewfinder. I love hugs. 

One thing I know is when you adjust the exterior view, the interior view follows along. It works the other way too but that's a blog for another day. For today choose a good lens and enjoy the view. 

Using my perception for more than depth, 



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